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Beautiful woman drags man in the water before showing her monstrous form (inspired by this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1vB3G0KxbE)

This is the PERFECT time for me to show off a Sea Hag!

Nightmares born of the fear of drowning or being devoured by beasts at sea, Sea hags are aquatic witches whom have consumed this fear and become one with the nightmare in the dream lands. 

Sea Hags are large, horrifying old women, with a crooked old crone's face, and wild hair, however their face and body seems to be that of a twisted and inverted shark or some other aquatic creature. They take on many fish and sea creature like qualities with some of them taking on more crab or crustacean forms and others being more mermaid or eel like. All of them however are horrible and enormous, scary old women.

Sea hags can control fish, and work them into a violent feeding frenzy, and she can manipulate the sea around you to become thick and hard to move in, or the pressure can build and cause you to begin to drown or be crushed, and even on land she can cause creatures to drown in their own saliva or cause their lungs to fill with crabs and sea foam. Sea hag can transform into a plethora of sea creatures to attack as well, or simply take on traits and limbs of sea creatures. They tend to have sharks or eels as familiars, or sometimes they simply command the undead drowned or spirits that haunt the sea, and can inflict curses and hexes on you that drain you of your various senses while she gains them in return. 

The Sea Hag's shapeshifting ability doesn't end at sea creatures however, as they are known for transforming into lusty, beautiful maidens and luring men into the sea, just beneath it's depths, where they can drag them down below and feed on their fears as they drown. Sea Hags can remain on land indefinitely so long as they can partake in sea water and consume sea creatures on a weekly basis, and some have even strayed quite far from the sea to other bodies of water. When they reveal themselves they often times explode violently from the backs of the creature they were imitating, leaving behind their floppy skin to cause great fear in their target.

Sea Hags tend to possess staves made of coral and shells, and use them in casting their spells. These hags are known for cursing sailors with the black spot. A curse which draws all of the misfortunes of the sea to your ship for eternity, and make you the target of the sea's restless dead as their gift for slaying you is a chance at life again.... 

In the Dreamlands, the Sea Hags tend to lurk within the dreamland oceans, and within the nightmare seas on the outskirts of the world. Many are followers of Cthulhu or Dagon, and worship or work alongside deep ones, meaning some Sea Hags may become Deep Ones on occasion.



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