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For  the longest time I really wanted to see a super big belly Kat being  constrained by belts around her gargantuan belly while she’s being tube  fed

"Hnnnn~ Break my belt~"

Katrina is very sensitive  physically. She went through an event similar to a 2nd puberty when she  became a cat girl, and with Bast being a goddess of fertility and  sensuality she can be pretty receptive to stimulation.

So I'm sure this is HELLA pleasurable....

She's not a super sexual person, but when she gets into it, she REALLY gets into it... having a food fetish certainly helps. XD



You've  mentioned your love of Monsterpocalypse in the past; why not have  Katrina in her mech suit squaring off against one of the monsters?  (Cthugrosh would be typical, but you could mix it up with a different  one.)

Cthugrosh is assumed (For obvious  reasons) to be my favorite by a lot of people but my actual favorite  MonPoc character is ROGZOR. He was the first Monster I got back when the  game first released and has been my favorite ever since! Terra Kahn is  probly 2nd place for me :3

The Mech is the same one from  


Tried  to get this one in last year but was too late. I got this idea from one  of your previous works and thought the idea was goofy. The idea would  be a poor innocent gal (or criminal) that is forced to walk the plank  leading to a drop into Katrina’s booty sea. For some example dialogue  and such hb:

AAARGHH MATEY!!! HOW DARE YOU TRY TO STEAL THE  CAPTAIN’S TREASURE! YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT WE DO TO SCRAWNEY SCALLIWAGS  LIKE YOU. WE MAKE THEM WALK DA BOOTY PLANK! (Cue the thief walking on  the plank that ends just above Katrina with her butt sticking up in the  air. Katrina also having a captain’s hat) YA TRY TO TAKE THE BOOTY, YA  GONNA END UP CLENCHED IN DA BOOTY MAW! HAR HAR HAR!

Welp tried to make request exciting. Tl;dr having a weak scared pirate girl walking the plank to her desmise in Katrina’s butt

This  was weird and funny and Katrina seems to kinda think so too... so does  the little Sylvalyn girl there... Honestly everyone  really kinda seems  to be wondering why this is happening.

Fun to watch though.

 Posted my ideas on the Journal, but I'll post them here too. Feel  free to just pick one if you have the time: Idea #1: Katrina drawn as a  hero in the world of My Hero Academia. Maybe even trying to blend the  MHA art style with your own?

IDK how many people know how much I  love My Hero. I actually run a My Hero tabletop campaign sometimes with  my buddies in Mutants and Masterminds. I should share some of the  characters sometime because I think you guys would Love some of em :3.

Anywho,  here's Katrina in her UA uniform. Her quirk is called Calorie Bomb! She  can convert the calories in her body into energy and project it out of  her mouth in the form of a beam attack in a Godzilla style manner. The  more she eats, the more she can burn, but she tends to eat way more  calories than she can burn unfortunately.... for her anyway, Others seem  to enjoy the view. 


Posted  my ideas on the Journal, but I'll post them here too. Feel free to just  pick one if you have the time: Idea #1: Katrina drawn as a hero in the  world of My Hero Academia. Maybe even trying to blend the MHA art style  with your own?
The  Hero outfit for Katrina in My hero! It's lithe and stretchy so she can  expand and resistant to tearing and energy damage so she doesn't burn it  off with her breath weapon! 


Katrina getting XXXXXL pants taylor made to fit her enormous butt...

She doesn't look happy that the only pants in her size say "Fat Cake" on the butt... Oh well...

 draco flame 

4) loli kat breaking a chair with her huge ass and a stuffed belly. 

Tubby  loli Kat is one of my favorite things in this world. Her love of  sandwiches is truly blessed.... Just like that lil fat ass.

or Katrina getting a lifetime's supply of cream...

I think it's self explanatory...


Keeping up tradition, requesting another Katrina as a gigantic blueberry~

Would  love to see her full body in all her massive glory being told that she  needs to cut back on food if she wants to return to normal, with her  questioning why she would even want to return to normal when being a  blueberry feels so good.

Blueberry it is! XD.


Oh I think I’ve got a good one: Katrina becomes an “aquarium” by filling herself with water and eating some “seafood”.

I  loved this idea. Thought it would be cute to have someone using a  flashlight on her tum to see the fish swimming around in her overfilled  tum.

With her is a Triton. They're an aquatic race, and actually  make up a huge portion of the population of the continent of Azqpufaz  (Awk-pah-faz) on the coastal regions. They are constantly at war with  the Orcain and other forms of Deep one such as Sahuagan and Sirens, and  are quite often kept as slaves by the other races due to them allying  with the creatures of the land during the gods war. This led to the  other creatures of the sea shunning them from their aquatic cities and  constant war and battle has pushed them further to the coastline,  forcing them to live in more and more shallow water and some to even  migrate to lakes and rivers on land to get away from the other aquatic  races. They have the ability to communicate with aquatic creatures, and  can manipulate water to grant it a minor semblance of life, commanding  small water elementals to aid them in combat or mundane tasks. 


Hey, happy birthday Katrina! Hope she has a good one, as ever.

 I'm always a fan of revisiting older stuff and seeing how things have  changed, how about another look at Katrina in her Mountain Lion MMA  guise?

It's been a while! Here's the original  

Katrina,  as a part of the Nightmares organization, is a skilled fighter and had  to learn quite a bit of physical training to learn to contend with some  of the things in their world that would attempt to kill her. Because of  this she's participated in all sorts of combat events but has also done  so not only to learn to protect herself but for glory and a bit of prize  money, taking part in the Hyperstadium Mugen fighting tournaments where  she was given the codename Mountain Lion due to her mountainous  physique (Kat is not only over 600 lbs but also almost 7 feet tall so  she's a mountain of kitty). 

Her fighting  style, Spin Boxing, combines a lot of sudden stops and full force  movements, where she gathers momentum by jumping, or spinning and puts  all of her weight into her hits. She's also developed quite a few  grappling skills, able to subdue an enemy with her arms or legs with  chokeholds, body slams, or the Suplex she's often known for doing to  Nitros.


Katrina loli is helped to walk by a student who is under her belly to lift him. 

As someone who's hella submissive. This sort of thing is always a weakness of mine so I had ta draw it.

Looks  like Little Silencer is having a good time aiding Katrina in moving her  belly from place to place, even if she does have to crawl on her knees  because of it.

Loli Kat seems to be letting the power go to her head.... err... gut.

She's not only powerful but of  course very popular because much of the population is always ecstatic to  see their favorite fat cat girl slamming everyone around and jiggling  like no tomorrow. She's even done a few matches for charity where she  had to take on people one by one after eating a large meal between every  contestant, which led to her being defeated pretty quickly as she took  up the whole ring and couldn't really stop herself from being pinned.


9.  How about a silly anime idea? Like let's imagine a world where fat  (female) ninjas fight against each other. In this world fat has a very  important meaning to one's status. If someone loses a fight with  someone, the winner somehow gets their body fat transfered by the loser.  Katrina grows (literally) to become the strongest ninja in the world.  xD Totally noz stolen from another anime where the same applies to  boobs. 

Did this as a continuation to    Where she was a food Ninja. If she can also steal people's fat and add  it to her own, there's a reason she's the b(r)east around. But also it  seems like she's not getting away from this mission.... 



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