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Katrina Week 21 actually accidentally got included on the last one but it didn't have a description yet so here it is along with the others.


High school Katrina being a tsundere bully with a posse of 3 or 4 other big fat bully girls. One being a short goth girl and another being a total slob.

Used the Katrina from and for this one. Looks like she's still just as wide as before, waddling around demanding snacks from others. But it seems she's gained a posse of sorts. Uh oh...

The first on the far left with the big hot dog, holding her fluffy tail, is a Beastkin, being one of the kinds related to squirrels and known as Furlkin. Though she's way larger than most furlkin, that sort of thing can happen through various Beastfolk breeding, meaning one of her parents was most likely a larger kind of Beastkin while another was a Furlkin. They are known for gaining weight in winter months to stay warm due to their mostly outside societies, and those who integrate with more modern societies sometimes still maintain the habit of stuffing themselves when it gets cold but don't lose the weight as easily due to the need for foraging no longer being a part of their lives, but this one seems to just be a greedy brat. Makes sense considering the group she's with, she seems to be a messy eater. More on Beastkin and Furlkin is in the description here.

The two in the back are twins, and they're Half Elves. While some may remember Elves on Urth as being rather... unconventional Half Elves are rather normal and tend to look more humanoid. They are all generally the same height as a human and have long pointy ears and vibrant, beautiful eyes of various unique colors and usually have pale skin. They sometimes share other qualities such as sharp teeth, longer necks, or even somewhat spindly bodies, but the human genes often win out. Many can be sort of creepy still like their elven counterparts, but since most are raised by humans they tend to act more human than elven. Naturally magical like their elven forefathers, they can easily become spellcasters and tap into arcane or divine magical capabilities with the greatest of ease.

Twins among Elves are exceedingly rare, though there are some elves, that may even be a slight subrace of elves, whom are hyper fertile and nearly always give birth to multiple children at a time. When elves are born in multiples however, the capability of them possessing a sort of soul bond or psychic link is nearly 85%, meaning elven twins almost always have telepathy. Though it's normal for Elves to possess a form of telepathy where they can communicate at long distances, usually they require meditation, focus, or to channel a leyline to do so, however elven twins with a soul bond from birth can do so as second nature across extreme distances. This makes elves and half elves whom were together in the womb very close as they share some emotions, memories, feelings, and can speak to eachother at great distances without proper rituals.

Though Elves and half elves tend to be more spindly and only tend to gain weight among females on the hips and bust, these girls seem to definitely overdo it quite often and have made themselves little butterballs. The one on the left is far thinner than the one on the right, and though many assume she most likely paces herself more or has more restraint, chances are she uses her telepathy to convince her fatter sister to eat more since she would share the pleasure of being stuffed. Due to the subtle nature of this link it's possible for such a thing to happen and the other sister not even realize she's being manipulated into a fat blob.

And the last one is a small human girl. On Urth, as well as on Earth, humans are humans, however there are other variants of human which can go above and beyond what normal humans can do, and this one appears to be a witchling. Witchlings are humans with magic blood in their system but not enough to be physically different from most humans. This could be the result of a demon breeding with a human somewhere in your family lineage, or even simply a pact with a powerful creature that courses through you and even effects the children you birth after the fact. Witchlings are only a sub type of the humans known as Ascended, whos minds have been expanded through enlightenment or forceful electrical currents or chemical tampering and have unlocked additional parts of their brain allowing them to use beyond 100% of their mind's capabilities. Witchlings are very similar, however they are able to access magical capabilities of the arcane and tend to have a natural knack for it, though many believe that they may be one in the same. Some creatures that can access and harness magic can store mana within the fat in their bodies to allow it to steep and stew in a way similar to preparing food. Arcane casters gather magic from the world and condense it down within themselves to be released later, slowly building up magic on their journeys to become more powerful, however there are casting methods in which one can cycle mana to expel it out of themselves and draw it back in more potent than before. Most casters do this through specific abilities trained in their travels and instantly improve their spells, though some perform a process in which they hold the magic within themselves for as long as they can before releasing it in a process not to dissimilar to the sexual act of edging. Some who go further store this magic in the fat of their bodies and bind it there, to steep similar to cooking a roast, allowing it to gain more "Flavor" as it sits before releasing it at a later time. Doing so can be dangerous however as magical mishaps could harness the power inside of the witch and cause violent reactions while still within her body leading to mutations or death, however some specifically learn to better harness this magic with less chance of backlash and are known by magic society as Bloatmages or Spelleaters. Because of the magical effect within themselves they tend to over saturate their bodies and grow fat or bloated, and the more fat they possess the more magic they can store within their bodies, leading them down a path to possible destruction. It isn't a coincidence that Bloatmages often specialize in space magic or gravity control or even transmutation to better allow themselves to move.

This one actually has a design I had messed around with before for a cute lil' fat goth girl so ya may actually see her in other stuff not related to this, so maybe call this a cameo. She's chock full of magic, but also chock full of sweets and meats in that tubby tum.

draco flame

2) loli kat and jellybean comparing butts.

"Mine's totally bigger.... See!"

"Nuh uh, Mine's DEFINITELY thiccer than yours girl, ya crazy!"

"N-no way!"

"Fo' sho! Hey, lets ask them! Hey-yo! Look at our butts! Who's is bigger?"

Gotta love a good ol fashioned loli butt competition....


those are things right?


Oh and another idea: Katrina dressing up as a certain gray space station. (The Death Star)


I have a few ideas - either Katrina as a cheerleader again, or doing a Shygal cosplay. Whichever you like better.

I liked both so Shy Kat it is. And the Death Star one was too funny. So beware the triple death star! That thing could take out whole star systems!!

draco flame

5) what Katrina would look like after eating a dragon.

As some may remember, Katrina has the ability to gain power from what she eats.
Dragons have been mostly extinct for a very long time on Urth, though occasionally dragons do appear be it through a creature suffering from the curse of Tiamat and becoming a dragon or from an ancient dragon emerging from it's slumber or a hiding place and attacking the world.
The thing is with dragons though... Eating them can already grant you their power and cause you to become something called a Dragonewt, and so if Katrina ate a dragon or dragon-kin creature, she would slowly undergo a transformation into a big, fat scaly dragon creature as depicted here. It's possible she could even turn into a full dragon because of this...
It would DEFINITELY be a dangerous time as she's already ravenous but becoming a dragon would make her far moreso.

It's super cuuute though~


1. Mirror Universe Katrina! Katrina from another reality where she's evil, but still the same gluttonous cat as ever.

If Katrina was evil I'd imagine her to be a fat, gluttonous dictator.

Formal military clothes both do and do not mesh well with being super fat.... On one hand they don't stretch at all... but on the other hand they don't stretch at all~

Honestly even good Katrina probably has been in this situation before since she IS a member of a powerful army... XD


Cosplay time! How about Katrina wearing some outfit of Kukaku from Bleach? It might be tight on her, but she could sit down like her and show off her cute chubby feet!


Maybe Katrina cosplaying as Vaggie from Hazbin Hotel? Stuffing her face with cake or smth


3. Her cosplaying as different female characters from hazbin hotel

These ones were pretty fun XD


Katrina in her high school days "helping" with the school bake sale by being force feed by her classmates after getting caught sampling the treats

Once again it's our favorite schoolmates

Back at it again stuffing lil Kat to the brim with snacks, semi-against her will.

This one's part of an art Trade with :IconBlooberboy: he asked about ages ago! I don't do art trades much but since it's Katrina week I thought I may as well since it involved her :3

I've actually been a fan of Blooberboy's stuff since very early in my DA career. Pretty sure some of his stuff helped get me into big round bellies in the first place :P

Well anyway what he said was

"My Nyka going out for lunch with your Katrina. They could be at an all-you-can-eat buffet. Nyka wouldn't most likely stuff herself silly, but I don't mind seeing her with a bit of a stuffed belly. :3c Katrina's gut could fill their table, if you want. Nyka would be surprised and/or shocked, accordingly."

Haha, I think it turned out super cute! The size difference between them is also adorbs since Nyka is only 5'4" and Katrina is 6'9". Nyka's as tall as Nitros with his boots on and short catgirls are adorbs~

Well anyway, hope ya like it! I can't wait to see what he has for the other half :3


Katrina in Blood Reaver! For some reason Katrina slid through universes. She meets Kotenama. Maybe even in the middle of Seven Wonders of the Food World 2 2018! Playful little banter between them, expecially of the 4th wall breaking variety, weight gain, gluttony and the like very welcome!

You know I like Kotenama, and that pic. So this is one way to put two of my favorite characters of yours in the same room!

Katrina would thrive in Blood Reaver. They have so many silly food monsters it's outlandish...

For example here we see a Toffiend, a demon from one of the realms of gluttony in Blood Reaver's Hell. They're powerful toffee creatures that can inspire gluttony in even the most Temperant of creatures, but are also dangerous gluttonous beasts themselves that love to consume those who get too close to get a taste of their sweet bodies. Looks like Kotenama may have to try and hold on a little longer!


Katrina trying to puppy eye/blackmail someone into buying her the newest food craze/clothing/gadget/ammo-for-her-gun?

"Nyaaaaa~ come on... how often do I ask for somethin?... Ok well.. how often have I asked for somethin today? Nya? N-never mind, forget that... Pweeeeeeaaaaase~"

She can be very convincing.



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