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April is the month of Katrina week! And you know what that means.

If you don't, every April I dedicate a week to my fat cat girl Katrina for her birthday, and I try to do as many requests of her as I can!

So as usual, you guys get first dibs this month. What Katrina stuff do you want this year?


Clark Nova

We have seen tons of weight gain pics... but not much in the way of how she looses weight (mostly resulting in failure) What successful methods has Kat done to reduce herself to a manage size? How on earth would she begin once she reached max bulk?!


Alright...time to drop my list~! Katrina stalking/peeping in on the dates/going on's of other friends....either to learn how to be a better match-maker or to make sure her own match-making attempts are going well. To piggy-back off Clark Nova...maybe also as a aftermath, what she'd do with her max-bulk clothing after the shirt alone from that size could fit her everything xD. Retailored? Donate to the Urth equivilant of Goodwill? Stow it for later knowing she'll need it again? xD. Moar Katrina attempting cosplay...Isabella(Animal Crossing), Spawn, T-800(endo skeleton included?), Io(Code Vein), DOOM SLAYER(DOOM) Mei(OVERWATCH) More of teacher-Katrina and possible assitants/victims/volunteers~ xD Gamer-rage Katrina..be it tossing a controller into/through the tv/wall, the tv itself, couch...yname it, she'd toss it~! Katrina trying to puppy eye/blackmail someone into buying her the newest food craze/clothing/gadget/ammo-for-her-gun? Napping Katrina over the years. By that i mean like start with kid her, and show the various age/stages of her laugh up to current could-likely-eat-the-past-hers Katrina~ in a scale of sorts Katrina herself participating in a MK-Tournament...mid-fatality perhaps~? Katrina anime-hopping...maybe for akwardness throw her into Monster Musume(who knew the Limials could get so big~! XD) or Interspecies Reviewers(oh lord poor Katrina xD) Revisit theGenderbender special/moment..either in a akward scenario again, or somehow she(although i guess in this moment, he), 'accidentaly' spreads it to other friends/family..if she/he has to suffer, so do they~!


I loved all the crossover stuff with other versions of Katrina meeting the current one, so I’ve got a few ideas for that: Katrina feeding her younger self as the butterfly effect kicks in and causes her to grow Another one would be to see a dog girl version of Katrina Last one that I can think of for now is an encounter with a giantess version of herself


I love to see a really fat Katrina entering an Eating contest against her rival Moolate just to get fatter and annoy her to no end! lol XD


Another one: How about a sort of back story/origin for the design and creation of Katrina


Katrina in her high school days "helping" with the school bake sale by being force feed by her classmates after getting caught sampling the treats


Here’s a few Katrina week prompts I cooked up: - Panic buyer Katrina rushing toward the checkout with an impossibly full (mostly junk food) shopping cart, to the consternation if the poor cashier. - Katrina’s new odd job: VIP taste tester with the complication of her appetite and the fact she’d probably digest any poison without suffering the effects beside a mildly upset tummy - Easter theme: Easter bunny Katrina ate all the chocolate. - Moolate april’s fool prank on Katrina backfired badly.


I always dread Katrina things because don’t really have much to go off of.


Really :O There's a lot of stuff for her and a whole lotta lore, she's the most fleshed out (Pun not intended) character I have honestly XD


High school Katrina being a tsundere bully with a posse of 3 or 4 other big fat bully girls. One being a short goth girl and another being a total slob. Katrina is having a bit of an IMPfestation problem in her house. A bunch of lightning imps are zipping around, messing with electronics and getting plump off her food. Sapherith and the imps seem to enjoy each other’s company but Katrina is trying her best to take care of them with an electric fly swatter, fly paper and a spray bottle. Katrina doing a sponsored promotion as her alter ego mountain lion alongside a kickboxing keiko and one of the Warranya girls. The first pic is the very action-y poster for the match while the second pic is the reveal the sponsor was meayty’s. The combatants are too stuffed, lethargic and out off shape to do any actual fighting no matter how hard they try. Their friends could be the spectators looking in horror and disgust. Since this is a big crossover you can be the referee. If you need, these can be alts of each other if that would make it easier on you.


Another eating contest that actually challenges her limits

draco flame

I have 5 ideas. 1) loli kat and jellybean having a eating contest. 2) loli kat and jellybean comparing butts. 3) kat being transported to a dimension where everything is food and the obvious result. 4) loli kat breaking a chair with her huge ass and a stuffed belly. And finally 5) what Katrina would look like after eating a dragon.


Kartina trying out the myth of drinking coke and eating mentos at the same time, but instead of reasonable amounts the catgirl went overboard.

Clark Nova

She has done it in the past... but would like to see how much more she can stretch out with that bloaty goodness.


A version of Katrina where all her weight is on the belly.


I think I know who’s forcing feeding her. https://www.deviantart.com/darkmastern/art/Katrina-Week-VI-77-School-Stuffing-Graduation-742324743


Here are my ideas for Katrina week this year. ^^ 1. Katrina who meets all these different versions of the different katrina weeks. 2. Katrina becomes chocolate or live cake and does not stop eating it. 3. Katrina in confinement at home because of COVID-19 and bored. 4. The continuation of Katrina who is fattened by kobold, but this time, she detach and make them their queen, but while feeding her. 5. Katrina who becomes a pig because she didn't eat too much hot dog. 6. Katrina's daughters who have grown bigger than their mother, because she does not want to prevent their mother from fattening. 7. Katrina who participates in a live action role playing. 8. The sequel to Katrina cake dive. 9. Katrina who tries a wg show on the internet and is far too successful. 10. The sequel in Katrina Bedroom. 11. Katrina as a doom guy. 12. Katrina has her stomach massaged by several hands and she is embarrassed, but likes that. 13. Katrina who tries an erotic trick to please her husband, despite her overweight. 14. Katrina in a family bath, but with these girls who gained weight and her husband wedged between these masses of fat. 15. Katrina in a strip club, does her special number. 16. Katrina in galactus and eats planet. 17. Katrina massaging her belly by her husband after she has eaten too much. Her husband will offer her a very pleasant massage. 18. Katrina gets messured so that we can see these new messures with her whole body. 19. A sequel to Katrina chocolate pool. 20. Katrina and Simone switch their species. Katrina as a dragon and Simone as a neko. 21. Katrina gets oil on her stomach by Simone. 22. Katrina who tries boxing. 23. Katrina is searched by a border security guard. 24. Katrina makes a belly tease or a boobs tease to these fans. 25. Katrina who would be naked for naked art. 26. Katrina in Easter bunny. 27. Vikki who pulls on the tail of katrina. 28. Vikki who is dominated by a horny kat who tears vikki clothes. She has increased the dose of hormone too much. 29. Vikki who continues to grow kat to know her limit which seems to be endless. 30. Vikki who is suggested clothing by kat. 31. Vikki receives a revenge of kat for all the experiences she has had to undergo. 32. A continuation of Vikki who presented Katrina very obese, on an anti gravity machine, but will show Vikki angry to have obtained that second place and a katrina which tries to be reassured Vikki or will be fed again by all these tentacles. Maybe Vikki will punish herself for having failed by fattening with her own machine, next to Katrina. 33. Katrina in Sumo clothes, but would be too embarrassing. 34. Katrina in a daycare, is used as a playground. 35. Katrina half in a large obese caterpillar. 36. Silencer confesses these feelings to Katrina. 37. Katrina now has even more influence over her neighborhood. 38. Katrina canditate for the next American election and promises more food and more respect for the obese! 39. A sequel at School Stuffing Class Reunion 40. Katrina in heat 5. She will be playing with her body to give pleasure while waiting for her husband to arrive. 41. Katrina blob who is glorified by a sect. 42. Katrina loli blob. 43. Katrina takes revenge on these bully when she was young. 44. Katrina loli and berryl in a food coma. 45. Katrina loli huge breasts in a cute pose. 46. ​​Katrina loli huge breasts who has difficulty walking straight. 47. Katrina loli is helped to walk by a student who is under her belly to lift him. 48. Katrina Loli who does a kawai dance. 49. Katrina Loli in a swimsuit for the school swimming pool. 50. Katrina Loli became popular at school by eating the lunches of students who did not want to eat them.