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It's terror time again! Wait it’s not Halloween … A vain and arrogant CEO gets dragged into a mirror by a demon conjured by an abused employee.

Oooooh I loved this one!


Here we have a Mirror man. Sometimes known ad a Mirror demon, a Shimmer man, or a Jìng xiàng.

Long ago, the realm of man and the mirror realm, known by some as the mirror world, the reflection world, or by some esoteric scholars, "The Fractal". The beings of which emerge from within are known as the Fauna of Mirrors.

Thought to be some of the first beings that existed within the cosmos, they wander a constantly shifting and reflecting universe that has no true shape and simply reflects the universes around it through it's infinite facets. As other worlds and realms came to be, their dimension would take the shape of those worlds, reflecting the images and shapes of those worlds.

The Shimmer men, take the form of and mimic those beyond a mirror's edge. Silvered or reflective surfaces that shed light through the fractal to be a window into another dimension, however end up reflecting nothing but our own. The entities within exist as reflections of ourselves, mimicking our every movement and following our every motion, though some notice reflections changing or warping on occasion, or seeming somewhat off.

The entities beyond the mirrors could once come and go as they wished from the realms. In China there were legends of fish swimming through the shimmering walls of a mirror, and of some who were mauled by "Tigers" that would emerge from the reflective surfaces and tear them apart with great violence. However in 2697BC the beings ceased their mimic and emerged from mirrors and reflective surfaces and began attacking humans until the Yellow Emperor sealed the mirror dimension with an alchemical silver, barring the entities from returning. It is unknown why they attacked humans. Some scholars believe that they may be forced to mimic us due to strange dimensional or eldritch laws of space, and others believe them to be jealous of our world, while some also think a darker reason, that it was done simply to inflict carnage or to feed a violent curiosity.

Among the Shimmer, there are several ranks that inhabit this world.

The first are the lowest rank, depicted here. Creatures who mimic others and wish to kill us and devour human souls and lifeforce. They were referred to sometimes as Zhànshì. These creatures would emerge from mirrors and kill unsuspecting beings before assuming them within the world and working as doppelgangers for those whom they had slain. Their true forms seemed to be twisted masses of limbs and shifting organs, faces and mouths that would mimic the various expressions of the entities they would replicate, and some have said their bodies seem to stretch infinitely into the horizon with flailing and ever changing limbs.

Above them were ranks of creature that were never seen, their gods and leaders. Bringers of war whom would bring untold horror, violence and destruction once they emerged in our world. Physically they may be no different than the other more well known of the Shimmer, though some believe Ly'tksdul the prophet to be among their ranks, or to even be the being that presides over the lot of the entities.

Some of them were also known as "Tigers", though they are believed to be called such merely due to the similarity in which they attack. Shambling at their foes from odd angles and ripping them asunder with their twisted mouths and lanky limbs before disappearing back into regions unknown.

Stories tell of spellcasters from our realm whom have harnessed the power of this dimension and summoned entities from beyond it to aid them, and some have even traveled there themselves and some have become twisted or strange because of it becoming reflections of their former selves, if they even ARE themselves any longer. The legend of Bloody Mary is sometimes connected to such an occasion.

Creatures replaced by shimmer men can easily replicate the lives of the people they once were, though often times they will become violent, or strange, indulging in physical and carnal pleasures or extreme forms of self enjoyment that could leave the person physically or emotionally scarred as well as those around them, though on other occasions there is no change in the slightest for long periods. If cornered however they will use their supernatural capabilities to form limbs or reflections or take the shape of another if needed as well. It is believed that after emerging from their mirrored realm, they refuse to stand before reflective surfaces as they cast no reflection, and they may also cast no shadow....

Here are some other references to the things I mentioned.






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