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The return of horror, eh? Then let’s get some fat clowns in here

A bubbly clown demoness with a feeder fetish finds a spoiled, bratty human girl cute and tells her that if she becomes her lover than she’ll satisfy her every desire. She take her to her pocket dimensions, which is as perversely cartoony as a meatys poster, where she can fully alter reality to however the human girl sees fit. (Think of it like coralline but the girl wants to stay in the fantasy world. Also include slob.)

This creature is known as an Animate Cell. Sometimes known as an ink golem, a living image, or sometimes as a Homme d'encre, and they are a kind of Trompe l'oeil.

Though the existence of the Trompe l'oeil extend back to the dawn of artistic existence, with painted images on cave walls taking predatory form after being infused with a deadly energy or dark force, or ancient two dimensional creatures that seep from the thinnest cracks in reality and exist within worlds as cruel alien entities. Berries grown in corrupted soil, or in woods tainted by unseelie forces and used to paint images on walls, or pigments cursed by witches, great misfortune or darkness could be granted a life or spirit of it's own. Some of these entities remain inanimate and project their powers as misfortune and violence, casting hallucinations and paranoia unto the viewer. Even worse are those granted an animate form projected by image to bring physical violence to those who view them. And yet some are not paintings at all, but two dimensional creatures that have seeped in from foreign vistas of reality through the thinnest cracks in the aether and now bring their own twisted dimensional laws into our realm. Often creatures like this appear out of the blue and effect limited audiences and can be tied to various forms of lost media or lost episodes of cartoons.

The ones known as Animate Cells are much more recent horrors to the world that share similarities to their classic counterparts. Though ink has been used as a catalyst for arcane capability by spellcasters, wizards and witches for ages with inscribed sigils and cursed ink, or even creating defenders from the malleable dripping blackness is an old and lost art, however when animation became widely practiced, the dark art took on a new form. 

Intense emotion and a desire to inflict harm can be easily absorbed into art, just as spirits leave behind residual emotional trauma or feelings of calm or peace within areas they frequent, however a spark of malice infused within an image or sigil again and again can cause it to harbor this darkness in new ways. As such Animate Cells are living cartoons whom have been cursed in a way, or granted life by some external force. Though they appear to be normal cartoons, they may move or shift their eyes or expressions within certain art pieces, or alter their movements within specific movies on different viewings. Those that become particularly capable begin to interact with the world, and can interact with media they are portrayed in, or occasionally draw a creature from the physical world into a dimensional subspace they reside in, or draw themselves as dripping inky forms from the pages of their animations and shamble violently into our material plane.

Animate Cells possess various capabilities, usually determined by the artist accidentally when created, as they are rarely, if ever, created purposely. They take on the form and capabilities of the image in question, often being able to perform wildly impossible feats and durability. Their malleable forms can twist and contort, and though they will initially appear identically to the form they possessed, they will begin to show signs of corruption as their true nature shines through. Incredibly powerful Animate Cells can transcend the boundaries of paper, screen, or projection and interact with the world, dragging others into their world too and granting them a semblance of their power or capability while within that realm until they are forcefully expelled, if they ever return to the real world at all. When on the outside world, animate cells can easily alter existence and reality, twisting things around them to follow their own physics and rules, though such entities tend to react violently as they normally would within the real world, causing grievous injuries to humans from things such as comedically oversized mallets, falling anvils or extreme explosions.

They tend to feed on emotions, and though not all are evil or malicious entities, most are extremely dangerous and wish to feed on suffering, fear, or in the case of those who emerge from their own worlds, blood, which allows them to maintain their fluid forms, and they often are want to push their targets to extreme levels of emotion before they die. Some can be trapped within canvases or other mediums, and wait for their release. It is believed that much of the old animation which was lost over the last century may have been deliberately destroyed due to some form of corruption involving these sorts of entities...


Had multiple requests for clowns, so i tried some various things (I'll post another one later) But honestly it took me a while for this one. I had to draw her pretty creepy as clowns are honestly one of those things that I cannot for the life of me find attractive XD. I actually fuckin love clowns, and wasn't one of those kids who was hella scared of them or anything and have even been a clown for several birthday parties when I was in college XD. But I've not been able to find them sexy... I'm not even a huge fan of Harley Quinn! But something I knew I could do was draw a CREEPY clown girl, so I'm glad that the prompt was horror, but I think she could be cute. Took a lot of inspiration from Epic Mickey, Koko the clown, and Bendy and the Ink Machine for this one. 

I don't plan on using her much, but this one I've named Dolly Madcap. She's a silly and down on her luck clown girl who would cause highjinx from an old little known cartoon from the late 1920's. She was known for her gimmick of being overly motherly, which always led to over the top scenarios of her dressing grown people as babies, forcefully taking care of everyone she met while walking down the street causing havoc, or feeding someone extreme quantities of food because a mother can't let a child go hungry. It seems she's dragged a girl into her world and is filling her full of snacks made of ink, and she seems like she's starting to regret it. Her body has taken on a cartoonish morphology, however whenever she waddles back out into the real world, most likely her physical form won't be able to handle the strain that was placed on it from this event.... 




The background looks great here! And I wonder if this victim will walk away in one piece?


Holy moly dude! This is amazing! And not just the cute girls (I’m personally with you on the opinion of clowns, I never found them scary) but even the background is super cool and detailed


For some reason, I see Neko-Musume there in that chair, Don't know why, but I do.


Sounds like her show needs a reboot! How did this girl meet dolly? What else would happen to her if she can’t escape?


She probably brought her through a television or something. Maybe she was watching an old film and noticed something was up. If she can't escape she may still meet the same fate and may end up with a cartoony pop instead. Or she may just disappear and never be seen again outside of these cartoon reels.


I had no idea who you were talking about but after I looked her up I see what ya mean. She's cute as hell XD Now I feel like I need to draw her sometime XD


Clowns are fun to make creepy since I like em. A lot of people are scared of normal clowns but they gotta hit the uncanny valley pretty hard to be creepy to me XD. I love making creepy cartoons though so it's good for me :3. The BG was actually one from some stock images I had, and I had to work with it quite a bit to make it look like an old movie backdrop. Giving it the whole vintage style was pretty fun.


The BG was actually one from some stock images I had, and I had to work with it quite a bit to make it look like an old movie backdrop and make sure they all fit together. I actually pieced a bit of it together and erased some things that were in the way. Giving it the whole vintage style was pretty fun. Hopefully she'll waddle out of there before it's too late but things aren't lookin good!