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Poll 12 Results, This Week and Poll 13

  • Modern Armour Penetration 1
  • Modern TacAI Response 3
  • Modern Artillery/CAS 7
  • 2024-02-19
  • —2024-02-26
  • 11 votes
{'title': 'Poll 12 Results, This Week and Poll 13', 'choices': [{'text': 'Modern Armour Penetration', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Modern TacAI Response', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Modern Artillery/CAS', 'votes': 7}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 26, 8, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 19, 9, 28, 2, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 11}


That feels like a long title. Anyway, naturally I messed up the time limit for Poll 12 (I don't know why that is so difficult...) but it's all over and Infantry Firepower won out!

I haven't done any WW2 infantry firepower tests in the shorts yet. Watching some poor Syrian militia wasn't that interesting, so I tried a new set up. The plan was to get an empty opel blitz, area fire the square it was in, then count the number of bullet holes, compare them to shots fired etc. Repeat for different distances and we've got some cool, useful data.

Unfortunately, CM doesn't track lower calibre small arms impacts so that was a wash.

So I stuck a German FO team at different distances and shot at them instead. It's actually quite interesting and I think it'll get more so as we do more infantry squads- there's much more variation in the WW2 games than there is in Shock Force.

That's coming on Wednesday, up later today we've got the ICYMI for the Forward and Reverse Slopes video (I managed to avoid focusing on the sheep...). Looking at the chart for Not One Step back, it looks a lot like the ICYMI short gave it a bit of a bump when it came out (at about 4 days), so let's see if that's repeatable.

On Friday we've got another premiere coming up for Operation Whetstone Mission 3, which means I got to have fun with trailers again.

And I've just got to get the footage for this week's Patreon release. I thought I really should do some Final Blitzkrieg because obviously it's just come out on Steam, but also because I haven't really done that many CMFB videos.

So I took a swing at Drop Zone P, one of the Downfall scenarios. Nice little fight, at least against the AI.

All that's left then is to kick off the Shorts Poll for next week, Poll 13. We're onto the moderns this time and we did an infantry firepower test, so that's out of the mix. Don't forget you can vote for more than one and suggest specifics in the comments!



Maybe a comparison between the accuracy of the Syrian/NATO jets in SF2 or accuracy of RU/US jets in BS? I've had a couple of issues with my German Tornadoes in the campaign dropping their 500kg considerably off-target, and I am unsure if its a 'me' thing or CM simulating the WSO having an off day


I think that would be tough to explore in a 60 second video. CAS does weird things and it's hard to judge whether it's the pilot, ground direction, luck or a bomb accidentally falling off a rail. I could blow some stuff up with 500lb bombs though!