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Or, War Room 14 if you're not into Roman numerals. It's a chunky one and I still left plenty out: hope you like reverse slopes!

The biggest bottleneck here was the battle maps- although Oman is free on Project Gutenberg and comes with some good ones, there's a single map for each half of the battle which doesn't suit a more video medium quite so well as it does the original text.

 I had a go at erasing the units, but it left very obvious marks and annotations that you could still read. Trying to use modern maps, aerial or satellite photography was out because the battlefield has changed pretty significantly in the intervening 200 years (the Serro de Bussaco is now heavily forested- it even took me a couple of hours trawling around on Street View to find a good view of the ridge!).

So, I traced the contours and major features of Oman's maps and then added my own units on top. It's not great, but it gets the point across and is more interesting that looking at the same two images for 15 minutes.

Anyway, I've been struggling to get anything done since I finished it on Monday. That was bugging me until I realised I'd thrown 7 of the preceding 8 days at that War Room episode so... yeah, obviously I need a couple of days to disengage!

In other news, trying to think of ways to make a more formalised PVP structure than just asking random people for games, I've hit on taking a shot at a Tank Company Championship for Shock Force 2. There's a thread over on the CM Discord where we're discussing it.

6 teams, 9 if we include the Syrians. Simple objectives that reward aggression. Hopefully we can hammer out some quickfire armoured fun!


The War Room: Battle of Bussaco, 1810


Glen Chen

would it be possible to see you tackle one of CMFB's campaigns?

Philip Decloux

This brought back some good memories of reading the Sharpe book about this battle.

Master of raw

It is a great injustice that the channel is this small. Not only do you know how to create magnificent informative narratives from combat mission you have created some of the best battle histories I have seen on YouTube. I keep reminding myself that your most viewed proper video has only 60k views, that’s why I am here, you deserve a lot more.


Thanks very much man! This year I want to try and get my head around promoting the channel better, so we'll see if we can change things up!