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Poll 7

  • CMBS: Abrams Hunter Killer System 4
  • CMSF2: US Rifle Squad Firepower 4
  • CMRT: LMG42 vs Universal Carrier 4
  • CMFI: Stuart Recce vs Panzer IIIM 2
  • 2023-10-23
  • —2023-10-30
  • 14 votes
{'title': 'Poll 7', 'choices': [{'text': 'CMBS: Abrams Hunter Killer System', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'CMSF2: US Rifle Squad Firepower', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'CMRT: LMG42 vs Universal Carrier', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'CMFI: Stuart Recce vs Panzer IIIM', 'votes': 2}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 10, 30, 8, 0, 45, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 10, 23, 8, 5, 45, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 14}


A few different options in this poll- experimenting with getting some more tactical stuff out there (and distance the game from War Thunder).

First up, we have a demo of the Abrams Hunter-Killer system at work. This is pretty basic stuff from a CM perspective, but serves as a tiny slither of very specific gameplay to complement the last few videos looking at Abrams-RU Tank armour penetration. It's also fun whacking a timer on it. Turns out the biggest thing slowing down the Abram's engagment cycle is the loader.

Second for Modern Monday is the Shock Force's US Rifle infantry shooting up a trench full of unfortunate Syrian militia. The aim here is to show off infantry suppression and mostly involves watching the AI cower (before the 40mm grenades start to get on target, anyway). This is definitely a work in progress variant test- it's a little underwhelming right now, but I suspect that's because I didn't have the HQS sound mod to make the incoming fire sound all scary.

Moving onto WW2 Wednesday, we have an MG42 in the light role shooting up a universal carrier full of Soviets. Why Red Thunder and Soviets instead of Battle for Normandy and Brits? Because this is a bit of fun that echoes the glorious carrier runs of Red Orchestra 2! Of course, as a passenger in RO2 you could duck down so your head didn't get blown off, so it's not a 1:1 test but it's a bit of a nostalgia trip.

Finally, we have the only 'conventional' option, which is a Stuart Recce trying to poke holes in a Panzer IIIM. Or rather, the M2 Browning mounted on a decapitated Stuart trying to poke holes in a Panzer IIIM. For some reason, I was expecting it to do more, but it shows off a rare vehicle and the Panzer III gets some air time.

These took a little longer to throw together than usual because I picked up some new editing software last week (on the cheap, in a steam sale). So I'm in the process of transitioning from Vegas Movie Studio 13 to Vegas Movie Studio 17. This has some more up to date features I want to take advantage of (particularly motion tracking), but while it's very familiar it'll take a little while for me to get some of the background settings to where I want them (stuff like output file types that I haven't thought about for years and years). It seems a little more unstable too, I suspect because it's trying to be fancier than I need it to be.

Should be an improvement overall though. Anyway, back to working on the Road to Cheux: GI Edition...


Nicholas Shaler

I’ll not vote on the WWII one, as both sound interesting. But the Abrams one seems more interesting than an insufficient sketch of infantry suppression, which gets confusing.