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A slightly different War Room this time, focusing on a concept and one of the campaigns that went with it. It's also considerably more depressing than previous installments. There are no clever tactical manoeuvres here: the RAF essentially tried- and failed- to force German surrender by killing as many Germans as possible.

I do want to come back to cover a specific raid at some point- the sophistication of late war Bomber Command missions are incredible, not to mention supported by a surprisingly high level of electronic warfare (you know you're winning the technological race when your night fighters can home in on the IFF signals of enemy night fighters). But that's a while out.

The next video in the pipe after this is a PVP Shock Force game. That's already done, dusted and ready to go (and incredibly bloody), beyond that... I'm expecting a few things to throw a wrench in the works, but in theory we're in line for a modern (preferably non-US) unit guide again.

Loads to look forward to!


The War Room: Bomber Command and Strategic Bombing, 1939-45


Nicholas Madden

War Room series among the best on youtube. Great work !