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Poll 19 Results, Poll 20 and this Week

  • WW2 Armour Penetration 8
  • WW2 Arty/Cas 11
  • 2024-04-08
  • —2024-04-15
  • 19 votes
{'title': 'Poll 19 Results, Poll 20 and this Week', 'choices': [{'text': 'WW2 Armour Penetration', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'WW2 Arty/Cas', 'votes': 11}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 15, 7, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 8, 9, 40, 54, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 19}


Well, Cas/Arty won this week by a very clear margin so I guess I'll blow something up! Precision arty might be an interesting one to try- there are some shared US assets between Shock Force 2 and Black Sea that use laser and GPS guidance respectively. I wonder if there's a difference.

Alternatively... chucking a Hind at something might also be fun.

Meanwhile, this weeks Patreon video is ready to go for Friday and I'm scripting out the CMSF2 AAR to come after that.

I'm not 100% sure on the schedule here: with the April Fool's video last Monday and another video coming out later today I don't want to inundate the channel. One video per week has always felt about right, publishing more videos mostly just takes up audience bandwidth and, in any case, I want to get back to Patreon being ahead of the game to better differentiate Patreon and Youtube memberships.

So Youtube might get a bit of rest this week, or I might throw another short into the mix (I have a fun Squad short standing by). We'll see.

Speaking of shorts, I am going to try taking the TacAI Response option out. I've been finding it quite tough to actually come up with things to test and even tougher to fit them into a 60 second portrait format.

Of course, this might be one of those things where I've played CM so much it's all old hat to me, so... we'll see.

That means we're down to Armour Penetration and Arty/Cas tests for WW2 this week after the Brits had their go at shooting those poor German FOs last time.


Carter George

Eh, just gonna comment to say that Hapless' videos have taught me more than I can express in a single comment

Carter George

His matter of fact and myopic approach to military science elides the issues that most channels have