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Had a rough few days, and now my step mom is dying because of covid! I've got stuff still uploading but will take a few days after that, hope you are all well!



Please don't apologise mate we're still staying if u ever need time


So sorry you're going through that. :-(


Hang in there, Geordie. We enjoy seeing your reactions and they do bring happiness to us, and we love returning the love with the watches and comments back at you! I know first-hand how complicated and time-consuming family health issues can be and am definitely thinking of you and your family in your difficult times. Also, I do want to say "thank you" for continuing reactions despite the challenges and also "thank you" for trusting us with this personal information and letting us know what's going on.

Micah Spiese

If I could mail a hug though the chat function here I would.




Family first. Take care buds


You keep doin you man, family first.

Bryan Matola

I hope that’s hyperbole. Either way I wish the best for you.


You do what you gotta do man!

Mr Kitty

Is she not vaccinated? I hope all goes well.


That's such an inappropriate question


Inappropriate regardless of whether one vaccinated or not. And maybe this is new info for you but vaccinated people can die from covid as well.

John Krynak

All these politics over the last few years seems to make everyone think you are either in one category or the other. I am not vaccinated, but I am not 'antivax' or anything. I won't judge you weather or not your vaccinated.

Mr Kitty

Millions of families and friends lost loved ones because idiots chose to pass along the deadly virus...but sure call that 'politics'.

John Krynak

It is. You are going to carry it weather your vaccinated or not. You are going to catch it weather your vaccinated or not. This is a fact. Viruses are a part of nature and you only over come it by your immune system learning to fight it. There are a lot of heart problems causing problems for MANY people around the world due to the vaccine and nobody wants to report on them because the media refuses to talk bad about the vaccine.