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Just trying to gauge interest on these two pilots let me know please



Do both, but my tie breaker vote would be parks & rec 🥰


They're both top tier comedy shows. I prefer Parks but I voted to do both. Parks will be more similar to The Good Place since it's another Michael Schur show. It's another funny, wholesome show where you like all the characters.


Parks and rec is a good show, but the first three seasons of Community are perfect television.

Ryan Herman

I love both, but would be so sad if you dropped Community

Lee Dellbridge

I loved Parks and Rec and couldn't get into Community. But if you do both everyone wins.

Craig R

Community is so good. Dan Harmon was just gearing up for what Rick & Morty would become.

Daniel M.

I would like to politely disagree with this, but as to not potentially spoil Community for anyone, all I will say is, I disagree with your opinion. In my opinion, Community (prior to the season which musn't be named) is actually better than Rick and Morty. Have a wonderful evening.


Be aware that the general consensus is that the first season of Park & Rec is not that good, they retooled the show and it found itself in the second season. Many of the season 1 subplots were dropped and it's entirely possible to skip season 1.

Micah Spiese

It even takes a bit into Ssn 2 for me. Honestly, I'm not a Community fan, but that one is better out of the gate. It's like Star Trek TNG, DS9 and Voyager. Great shows eventually but the first 2 seasons make playing in traffic look like a joy.


Both series are of high quality. Community starts stronger, and from late in the first season hits a stride of brilliance, till some bumps in later seasons that reduce my fondness for it. Parks and Rec finds its proper focus around the 10th episode, but then just keeps getting better and better right up to the end. I voted to do both.

David Cleveland

My top most vote would actually be for you to not take on new series until you finish up what you have on your plate; specifically get caught up on Archer (new season starts next week) and Harley Quinn Barring that?... Eh, the more the merrier. I enjoy both Community and Parks and Rec equally and you doing both would lead to more posts that I'm hyped for


No option for neither?

John Cottengim

Parks and Rec really hits its stride season 2 and is just the most delightful thing ever. I prefer it over community but maybe because I work in government! Community is also hilarious and has great themed episodes

Bryan Matola

Parks is the more positive of the two, watching it is like watching The Office evolve into The Good Place.