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And then i started blasting!! Be a good girl/boy and give this a watch! Haha


Sunny 9x2 REACTION

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Lee Dellbridge

On topic...I love this episode and now when anyone has a gun in anything I watch I say "and then I started blasting!" every time lol.

Leia Camilla

Definitely prefer the older format


preferred the old way for reactions, but if this is better for youtube then its still good

Ryan Herman

It’s basically all American news outlets that run ridiculous things like that.


Love this episode


Prefer the old way too.

David Cleveland

You keep saying "changing up the style of your reaction" but the only difference I'm noticing is part of you is taking up a corner of the actual footage you're reacting to. If that's all the changing up of the style entails that's... fine by me personally; a necessary evil of the trade, I guess so long as YouTube's dipshit algorithm keeps equating reactions to people just uploading a whole ass show/movie completely unaltered and trying to claim it as their own. That's way better than some reactors that go WAY too hard "transforming the work" such as turning the opacity to the point of it being barely visible, keeping the volume literally just a hair above mute and constantly blinking the footage in and out of existence literally every few seconds. Seriously, the work is "transformed" when it's shrunken down and put into the corner of the video while someone's goofy face is taking up a bigger chunk of the video and that face is talking over it every so often whilst laughing their head off even more.

David Cleveland

DISCLAIMER: This is just my 2 cents on the matter, not looking to get into it with anyone. Feel free to delete this if it stirs up a shit storm As for guns? I'm an American I personally could do without them. It'd be great if they were more difficult to obtain like they are in most other civilized countries Sadly in America it's all "2nd amendment this" and "if you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns that" and tons of erotic fan fiction about "good guys with guns" and "it starts with handing over our guns then we'll have to hand over ALL our rights" Not to mention there's more profits to be made letting every Tom, Dick and Harry buy a gun than there is to having strict gun laws and actually enforcing them instead of treating them as mere suggestions. And if there's one thing America LOVES it's profits over the well being of people.


I actually prefer the new format. maybe it's because my eyes are light sensitive as I have mild autism but it makes you stand out more. art is purely subjective.

Micah Spiese

3 more eps till the greatest guest character EVER!