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What would your Halloween costume be?! 

SORRY everyone, I just caught these horrendous messages from this dude! He's blocked, I hope nobody was upset due to his ridiculous attitude, I want this patreon to be a place for everyone to feel welcome and that kind of abuse is not acceptable here. ANYWAY new Archer and The Good Place episodes are currently uploading hope you enjoy and have a great day 


The Office Season 2 HALLOWEEN

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Been a while since a new Archer reaction I left the same type of comment on all your new posts to try and make sure I get a response are you dropping Archer or not because it's been over a month

jonny bowerbank

Chill the fuck out. Commenting on every video the same shit is just a dick move!

Lee Dellbridge

There were 3 months between TGP episodes but you didn't see anyone posting over and over about it. It will come when it comes.


All you can pretty much fuck off because he already replied to me himself and said that Archer will be tomorrow so I don't really give a fuck what I need you idiots think

Lee Dellbridge

Well that escalated quickly. Anyway on the topic of the episode I completely forgot about Devon. Basically a character only introduced to be fired. As for Creed....he might end up as one of your favourites :)

jonny bowerbank

😂 it really did didn't it? Looks like someone can't take criticism 😂😂 by which I mean. Dickhead pizza guy


You're so big a fagot that you're in some random guys patreon comment section trying to defend him when no one's attacking him in the first place he isn't even offended but you're pussy ass wants to make a whole thing out of this and honestly I don't really give a shit either way I'm sure you think you have me pegged but you don't you literally know nothing about me you have no idea what I do to people and or animals you do not want to get involved with me so now I give you two options if you want I guess I'll tell you the city I live in so that you can bring your birch ass here and I can blow your fucking head off with my shotgun then cut a bunch of holes in your body and fill you with my piss and shit or you can leave me the fuck alone and not become my personal human toilet it makes no difference to me you have no idea how effortless it would be for me to kill you I truly don't give a fuck this isn't one you're going to win there's no winner in this situation I truly don't give a fuck about prison time or if everyone knows where I live I'll kill any of you I truly don't care so while you can type your stupid ass comments and you think you're hot shit or something you're just as human as any of the other idiots that have crossed my path the one difference is you won't be as lucky as they were because odds are I'd trick you into walking into my trap and blow your fucking head off with my shotgun so I think that you should think very carefully about what you choose to say to me at this point if anything at all I suggest you fuck off and realize that there's definitely more of us than there are of you

Red Beerd

What the FUCK did I just read?? That's legitimately the most batshit crazy run on sentence that's ever been typed. Kindly fall into your own stupid shotgun trap.


Here I am sitting down eating some sardines without a care in the world and you're dirty retarded ugly ass has the audacity to comment on some stupid shit that nobody gives a fuck about from earlier today honestly I think you're an even bigger fag than that other retard if you really got a fucking problem than I suppose you're going to want to do something about it either that or you're a complete fucking dumbass with nothing better to do than waste everyone's time commenting on some dumb old shit no one's thinking about anymore your time must truly be worthless fuck off and die

Needless Noise

please get help sir. genuinely concerned for your mental state. seriously, you'll hopefully one day look back on this behavior and be embarassed. honestly. imagine getting this mad about some comments on a tv reactor's patreon.


I don't have time for you stop messaging me you dumb bitch imagine commenting on some stupid shit that you have nothing to do with kill yourself

jonny bowerbank

Wrongpizzaguy.. if it wasnt already clear. Literally everyone thinks you are the scum of the earth 😂😂😂


Here comes you're dumb stupid retarded ass once again typing up some dumb shir that nobody gives a fuck about I already told your ugly dirty ass I don't give a fuck what you pussys think stop typing in this fat middle-aged man patreon comment section as if anyone gives a fuck and go kill yourself I don't care what you think fuck off get raped and die you fucking snowflake with your hurt ass feelings you're legitimately still thinking about me you're pathetic

jonny bowerbank

Are you actually kidding? Im trying to stir things up? Youre threatening to rape and kill people. You are sick. Get help!

jonny bowerbank

A worm has more brain cells. You can't even talk without cursing or threatening violence


Oh no it sounds like your pussy is bleeding do you need a tampon to stop your pussy from bleeding because it seems like you need a tampon because your pussy won't stop bleeding I know you can't help but think about me because I OWN your mind and that from now till the end of time you're going to be typing these dumb fucking comments trying to talk to me you clearly don't have any friends and nothing better to do but Daddy has to go to work because as an actual adult that's just something I have to do you clearly don't have a job to go to because you're sitting here typing these stupid fucking comments so maybe with my next paycheck I'll be able to get you a nice big pack of tampons I know you're quite hormonal because it's that time of the month for you and you'd rather try to continue stupid argument with some random guy on the internet that you'll never actually meet so that you'll have someone to talk to but unfortunately I have better things to do than talk to some nobody that doesn't matter so I'm going to have to block you and turn off message notifications but please feel free to keep typing up your stupid comments but unfortunately I'll never read a single word of any of them maybe one day in about a year I'll check the comments again to see if your still typing BYE FAG ☺️☺️☺️

Jay Willis

Some people just don’t know how to…coexist? Dude was whacked.


Im glad u blocked cyrus

Red Beerd

You're quite obviously very much in the closet and want a big, sweaty, throbbing penis in your mouth, eh? Guy that has all these better things to do still has time to write the DUMBEST run on sentences I've ever seen. Hilarious.

Needless Noise

idk if you're banned yet or actually plan on coming back to this thread, but sir, if you can read this, you are the one who keeps coming back here and getting upset and typing a fucking novel. no one is messaging you personally or thinking about you or even really getting mad at you. you commented some unhinged shit so we're responding appropriately, that's all. everyone is just chilling and watching some reaction vids and being cool and you're just being abusive to strangers online for no reason. unfortunately i do think you probably have some kind of mental problem that you need help for because no mentally-well person would ever behave the way you do. it's embarassing but it's also very very sad, i really do feel bad for you, i hope there's someone in your life who can try to help you calm down and get you help. but the irony of you writing up a bunch of thousand word comments then ending it all with "keep typing up your stupid comments but unfortunately I'll never read a single word of any of them" is kinda funny.


apparently I've missed a ton of comments because I wasn't really invested in Archer after he was shot originally let alone to re watch it. lol