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What are your favourite 5 films and who would you do?! 


The Office 2x4 REACTION

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Lee Dellbridge

My 5 favourite films (not the 5 best I've ever seen but ones I'd happily watch over and over on a desert island) are Scarface, Blazing Saddles, Back To The Future, Blade Runner and South Park The Movie. As for who I'd do of the office girls it's Pam or Kelly (who really looks very different soon).

Ryan Herman

5 favorite movies 🤔 Scott Pilgrim vs the World, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Donnie Darko, Fight Club, Stranger Than Fiction.

Gemma R

Erm 5 films, it's a really tough one, probably....... When Harry Met Sally Bridget Jones Kill Bill both 1 and 2 are good No Country For Old Men Jurassic Park 3 books..... Dante's Inferno A book of Greek Mythology A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickins Oh and I'm actually reading the book of The Princess Bride. It's just as entertaining to read as the film is to watch :-)