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The Final episode (so far) someone over at HBO MAX has spoken  about the future of VB and it looks more positive than before! I hope this brings back our Venture Bros!  


The Venture Bros 7x10 REACTION

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Will Fly

Thank you, Paul. I've been on this ride since the beginning, and it has really helped me keep my sanity during Covid. It's so hard to convince friends to give this show a chance, and I've yet to be able to convince another reactor to. So thank you for taking a chance on this little show that I love so dearly. It's been an absolute joy watching you fall in love with it too. And don't worry, I'm sticking around for your other reactions...but this is the one that lead me to your YouTube page initially.


Well, there you go. I started watching you because I heard you were doing reactions to VB and I wanted to see someone react to the end of season 1. I got Patreon because of all the stuff you had to cut out on youtube. And now you have finished the series. It's been a good time, I have to say. But this show is never over, really. You can go back and find a million things you missed the first time. I've watched this series start to finish at least 20 times now, and I still see new things every time I watch an episode. Case in point: in this episode Hank's speech about "You could have a good time without Hank 45, but why take the chance?" is a reference to a commercial Billy Dee Williams did for Colt 45 malt liquor. There are an almost endless supply of easter eggs and call backs and hidden connections all through this show.

Henchman Twenty1

The Galaxy Gals do react to Rick & Morty, but I'm not so sure this would be their cup of tea. Shame. The show does have lots of female fans. I'd love to get a female's reaction perspective watching the show for the first time. Luke, of Scorpio ReactsTV on YouTube, who seems to know Paul, reacted to the first two episodes of VB but didn't continue.

Henchman Twenty1

Now that Paul has completed his journey, for the time being, I can recommend that he, and others, can freely check out the wiki site without fear of spoilers. It's pretty well done, with some contributions from yours truly, along with a lot of other dedicated and knowledgeable fans of the greatest show ever! https://venturebrothers.fandom.com/wiki/Venture_Brothers_Wiki

Henchman Twenty1

Okay. This probably means nothing, but I'd like to point out that Ward said, "CLUNKY OLD blood analyzer". I'm as convinced as you guys that Rusty and Malcolm are related, but this show is very carefully crafted. I have to think those words might have been chosen for a reason. In the previous episode, when Doc from the future stepped out of the time machine, he called The Monarch by his first name, so maybe that means something. God, this show could've gone on for several more seasons just to unravel everything!

Will Fly

I think its clunky because The Guild is too damn cheap to replace it. I don't think it makes it less accurate, necessarily. But hey...maybe.

Henchman Twenty1

Like Paul, I never saw Barbarella either. I've thought about it, but after seeing some clips and reading a synopsis it just seems pretty trippy weird, though you do get to see a young Jane Fonda topless multiple times, so...


There are 2 barbarella movies. One is the original, which is somewhat pornographic and it’s terrible. The other is the porn parody which is also terrible but in order to properly celebrate the venture bros you should definitely watch both.

Henchman Twenty1

This got deleted. Not sure why. Here it is again. I have seen Dark Man though. Didn't like it, but that may have been because the advertising I saw led me to believe he had some sort of dark powers and not be just a revenge bent Phantom of the Opera vigilante type figure. So I have a funny story (in hindsight) related to seeing the movie. When it came out my brother and I were camping in New Hampshire and we decided late in the day to drive into town after we had supper and check out the movie. After we ate, like a couple of wilderness greenhorns, we stuck our boxes of food inside my brother's tent and off we were to the show. We were both disappointed with the film, and when we pulled back into our campsite the headlights shone onto the now shredded tent. Food strewn everywhere. Big, fat racoons waddling around everywhere, climbing up and down the nearby trees. Real nightmare! We tried chasing them off, but they kept coming back. He taped up the side of his tent but we'd hear them and see their shadows against the sides of our tents. We eventually wound up trying to sleep in the front seat of his car until the camp office opened at 7:00 AM. The owner wouldn't refund us for the night we spent there but did refund our money for the reminder of the week, which we spent in a motel. We had plenty of prior camping experience, but lesson learned anyway. However, that might have further influenced our opinions of the movie.

Liam Barnes

Barbarella is pure 60's Scifi cheese, and so worth watching even just once.


It was a joy to watch you make it to the end, so a huge thank you for sharing with us. Now the fun begins with a binge watch of them all. And if you dare you can visit various forums for a million different Scare Bear theories.


Honestly, after the movie which I think will answer a lot of questions ,I hope they will continue to work together and maybe create a completely different show together. Whether it's a spin off or something from a completely different genre. I'd love to see them do an actual super hero show. I mean this show touched on super powers, but really lightly. It as most people know was inspired by adventure cartoons of the 60's and 70's like Johnny Quest but brought to the real world in a comedic way. I know The Boys and Invincible actually kind of touch on it but not in a comedic way.


Jackson Public recently posted a pic to twitter of the cover page for the second draft of the movie script

Will Fly

I had a dream last night that I saw the VB movie, and Hank straight up drops a murder suicide on Dean. I mean, I'm fairly certain that won't happen, but geez, what a dream! lol