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the venture bros 7x5 reaction

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Lee Dellbridge

Is The Good Place in the plans?

Stephanie Rose Allen

Hey there! Hope this message finds you well. I've kept you in my thoughts and prayres.

Stephanie Rose Allen

I enjoyed your reaction! I don't know if you've noticed it yet, but the big deal of Helper's Brother thinking that Dean was actually Rusty, is that that indicates that Rusty himself is a clone as well. Honestly, I don't hink anybody was expecting that!

Stephanie Rose Allen

Still can't wait for your reaction to the next episode! I'm pretty sure you're gonna bust a gut laughing through the whole thing!

Will Fly

It may just be me, but the summit kind of seems like an allegory for Republicans and Democrats in Congress...the colors even match (red and blue). It especially makes sense during Rusty's speech calling them children and telling them they have to learn to compromise and work together or they'll never come to an agreement. Again, I may be picking up something that's not being put down.

Henchman Twenty1

The opening scene with all the fake dead animals was from a scene from Close Encounters of the third Kind, except they were real dead animals in the movie as the government wanted to keep civilians out of the area and falsely claimed that a train hauling toxic chemicals had derailed.

Henchman Twenty1

When Dr. Venture is the voice of reason in the room that's really saying something.


I might be wrong, but I think there were theories about this floating around for a while. We knew that the cloning technology was something Rusty inherited from Jonas (mentioned by Roy Brisby) and we knew Jonas put his son in extremely dangerous situations all the time, but there was never any evidence that Rusty had actually died. Well until now... and I don't think Doc knows this about himself either, so that's pretty dark.

Henchman Twenty1

H.E.L.P.eR. model 2 was voiced by Rhys Darby who is a New Zealand actor and comedian, which makes H.E.L.P.eR. 2's line about not going with Ben to New Zealand because he is an abomination all the more funny. Anyone else notice that there were two cloning tanks in the house? Perhaps they are not functional.


So the Rusty is a clone thing does throw some questions up in the air. Like I'm wondering is he clone of himself, or a botched Jonas clone (which might explain JJ) Did Jonas really have a child that died so he cloned him out of guilt and love, like HELPeR Model 2 suggest, yet there has never been any mention of Rusty's mother. Or was it another bid for immortality by Jonas, some vessel he could transfer his mind to, just like the PRoBLEM, which seems way more in line with Jonas' character.


So this episode, along with episode 3 that strongly suggested that Jonas was responsible for the birth of the Monarch, is as close as we have gotten so far to confirmation that Rusty and the Monarch are clones of the same person. Probably clones of Jonas himself, I'm guessing. Either that or, like Hank and Dean, Rusty was a natural birth who later got cloned because the first one died. Which would mean that the Monarch is a clone of Rusty, maybe? Either way, it has seemed obvious from the beginning of the series that Rusty and the Monarch are two versions of the same person.


Also, I'm pretty sure the voice of red HELPeR in this episode was Rhys Darby, who plays the leader of the werewolves in WWDITS. The mild joke about him not going with Ben because he doesn't belong in a place like New Zealand is funny because Rhys Darby is famously from NZ, part of what I suppose you might call the Kiwi Invasion along with Taika Waititi and Jermaine Clement. And Lucy Lawless.

Henchman Twenty1

I missed Dermott and was glad they brought him back. Like some other fans I initially couldn't stand him in his first appearance in 'The Buddy System', but he grew on us, especially after finding out that he is a Venture. That little lymeric greeting thing that he and Hank did reminded me of a similar scene in the movie 'Big' that Josh Baskin and his friend Billy did.

Henchman Twenty1

I still hold to the theory that Rusty and Malcolm are half brothers, or even full brothers, of natural birth and that Rusty was cloned because, like the boys, he was dying from the lifestyle he was forced to live thanks to his dad. Jonas then probably was using Rusty as a test subject, like Scamp, to perfect the cloning process so he could eventually clone himself. Perhaps J.J. was meant to be the Jonas clone? But knowing the show's creators either or neither of these theories may be correct. Hopefully the movie will resolve this.


I have grown to like Dermott through the years, but it sure was sweet to see Dean kick his ass in that first episode.

Henchman Twenty1

Something occurred to me regarding when Dean tells H.E.L.P.eR. model 2 that he can't really understand H.E.L.P.eR., yet we've seen Doc talking with him. Brock had a detailed conversation about Led Zeppelin and Maya Angelou with H.E.L.P.eR. I believe Hank understands him. Even Dermott was able to understand H.E.L.P.eR. in 'Mama's Boys'. So does that mean that maybe something is different about Dean? I feel this was mentioned for a reason. Edit: Also, the story that H.E.L.P.eR. model 2 tells Dean explains that flashback scene in 7x3 where it shows Dr. Z chasing Jonas through the jungle with a bunch of H.E.L.P.eR.s that had his Z mark on them.