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So first off thanks everyone for the kind words and support.

As it stands I am back at home, we aren't together and I don't know what will happen tomorrow but for now everything is calm and she understands for me to leave I need to work. 

So I should be good with videos for you all. 

Again thanks for the support and patience 


Stephanie Rose Allen

Well, I am very glad that you have a roof over your head again. I will continue to keep u in prayer 🙏


I'm glad you are still going to be able to work. I'm sending love and support.


I get how horrible this situation is. I switched to the New PC Tier. I'm not sure if I can maintain it another month but I will try. Anything else we can do to help, please let us know


Thank you so much for the update! Now get back to uploading!!! XD I freakin love you and in all seriousness, do not put your mental health at risk over us.

Lee Dellbridge

Very happy to see sense has prevailed here. But take care of yourself before doing anything on here.

Henchman Twenty1

One day at a time, one step at a time, one heartbeat at a time. Life continues on. Boy, that sounds corny, but it is true.


You know you have my continued support, through whatever develops. I'm thinking of you and wishing you well...


That was incredibly kind of you! Even if it is for one month, it really gives me hope for humanity! I know our favourite Geordie Nerd will get through this stronger

John Cottengim

one second at a time man. You have brought so much joy to everyone who watches your videos the least I can do is support ya

Mr Kitty

I'm sorry you're not together, that's painful. Break ups are very hard, so please do what you need for yourself 1st before any uploading new videos. To my understanding there's a lot of safety nets for people in your nation, so please avail yourself of all those government programs. Get yourself in a stable place, food, etc. Then once you are ready, resume content. Everyone here understands you have RL needs that need to be handled. We're here for you whenever you are ready to come back!

Sebastian Dragonheart

Sorry you're going through this rough time. I hope all the joy you've given to so many finds its way back to you soon!


I am so sorry for what you're going through. Glad to hear that things have settled at least a little bit for now. Your reactions always bring a smile and a laugh for me through some extremely difficult times in my life, so do know that I am thinking of you and your family and wishing you the best!