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Sorry to bring you bad news but I can't make videos, as some of you may already know my relationship with my girlfriend has broken down and I am currently homeless. 

I want to be completely transparent with you all since you're the biggest supporters I have had. 

Obviously, making videos is something I would prefer to be doing but right now I don't even have a roof over my head, let alone the equipment to make the videos.

I really appreciate all the support and understand while I am looking for a place and equipment if you want to stop paying for well, for nothing really! 

My main goal is finding a place to stay and the money to fund that but soon as I can I will be back. 

Thanks for all the support I really appreciate it 



Damn, that's rough dude. Hope you can get back on your feet.

Lee Dellbridge

So sorry to hear that mate. Don't worry im sure nobody here is going anywhere. Take care!

Will Fly

Man, Paul...I had no idea. I knew that Covid had been unkind to you and your family, but I had no idea that you were having relationship issues. I love you, man...we all do. And even though I know I won't be getting content from you, I will continue to subscribe to your Patreon so you get a little something each month to help you out. Hell, I'll even increase my monthly contribution. You're a great guy, and we all see that. Hell, even the last episode of The Venture Brothers you reacted to, when BM blamed Jonas for his extra-marital exploits, you made the point that nobody made BM pull his pants down, and he has nobody but himself to blame for that.. I took notice of that and thought "Man, what a great guy." I wish the best for you, and I hope that at the very least, you still get to be active in your kids' lives. If there's anything I can do for you, don't hesitate to ask. wfly81@yahoo.com Know that I am sending my love all the way from Nashville, Tennessee.


Hold up, you been nursing folks back to health, just to end up on your ass? That shit aint right dawg. Keep your head up bruh, Ill be here when u get back stronger than ever. Blessings to you


I love you ya Geordie nerd! My little $3 membership is going to stay active! You are hands down my favorite content creator out there. Obviously I'm a bit bummed out, but your situation breaks my heart. Please know that you are loved. Sending warm virtual hugs from San Antonio, Texas


I’m sorry to hear that. Just focus on finding a place to stay. I’m keeping my subscription active. Keep us updated.

Jay Willis

That's rough. Sorry to hear it, but I appreciate the update and honesty. Hopefully you land on your feet soon. Get yourself right, and we'll be here to watch you laugh your ass off when you're ready.


It's not much, but I bumped up a tier in support. Wishing you the best, and look forward to your inevitable return. Plus now I have time to rewatch everything again!

Bryan Matola

I hope my monthly donation helps you find your feet. Online support always feels hollow to me, but I’m rooting for you as much as a username can

Luke Trottier

Change Texas to Halifax, Nova Scotia and you essentially have the same thing to say as me

Stephanie Rose Allen

Omg I'm so sorry! I will bump up a tier in my Patreon support. And don't you worry about producing content right now. Just take care of yourself my prayers are with you


I'm very sorry. Take care sir. No need to worry about producing content until you are ready. You are awesome.


I also will be going nowhere and have bumped up some tiers to hopefully go a small way to help you get back on your feet. Best of luck mate, love your videos and hope things get better really soon for you.

Henchman Twenty1

Ouch! And with the holidays coming up too. If I lived across the pond and near you I'd offer you a couch to crash on for a bit until you can land back on your feet. I'd offer to chip in to some Help Paul Out fund but I have been without any income since August. At the very least I don't have to worry about being homeless unless the house burns down (no insurance). I had to ditch all my other Patreon subs except yours and one other. I hope that if the situation, and tempers, calm down maybe these issues can eventually be settled for you. This last, what has it been now, almost two years, has been difficult for many people and put undue strain on relations. Never give up hope. Step One right now: Hang in there and take care of yourself! We'll hang with you for emotional support. As it says on Gary's stomach: "Hench 4 Life!" - from Pawtucket, Rhode Island USA.


We're all rooting for you! You've got so many great reactions I can re-watch, I wouldn't go anywhere even if you didn't need money. I hope you get a place to live soon.


Hey Paul, I'm sorry to hear that life just keeps kicking you down. Just know that we're all here for you, I'm proud of the folks that stand by you. Even if no content is being made, I still love this community and channel. I know I can say for all of us that you are still an Upstanding and Amazing guy. No pressure, No rush either on getting a new place, I know how hard it can be from experience. Lots of Love from Las Vegas, Nevada.

Mr Kitty

I'm sorry to hear you're having such difficulty. Maybe you can couch-surf with friends until you can get your own place or a roommate. I hope things work out for you soon!


Oh crap, I'm sorry I'll continue to support as long as I can.


Sorry to hear that. I plan on staying on the Patreon. So just do what you need to, don't worry.

John Cottengim

Oh shit man I am sorry to hear that. I hope you land on your feet soon. Take care of you we will still be here.


I echo everyone else’s kind sentiments man, that’s a shitty place to be in. If you were on my continent, there’d be a couch with your name all over if.


Man, I feel you... I've had a very rough year with work and housing, myself, over the last half a year or so; got evicted because I couldn't afford the rent, and I had to move to another state, very far away from all my friends and almost all my family, just to find an affordable place to live. Somehow, I managed to keep a few Patreon subscriptions going, including yours, but I did have to cancel most of them. I won't make any false promises, except to keep supporting you as long as my funds are available to do so, Anyway, I hope things get much better for you soon, and please keep your head up, my friend. 🙂

Nikki Sonrisa

so sorry to hear that Paul! my support will remain so no worries about that. I hope things get better for you soon; I'm rooting for you!


I can relate somewhat, I've been homeless before, lived out of my car for over a year. You have my sympathies

Red Beerd

Your comma makes it sound like we're ALL homeless. You gonna get through this shit dude.


Bumped mine up as well. Realized I was paying $5 for some other Patreon I completely forgot about. Cancelled that one and sent it Paul’s way instead. Good luck with everything mate.

Phoenix Dawn

Oh shit mate! I am so sorry, I hope your situation gets sorted soon enough! :( Take good care of yourself.