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Archer v Clowns 


Archer 7x6 REACTION

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Henchman Twenty1

Any idea when we will be getting more Venture Bros.? I'm normally patient but you left off on a HUGE cliffhanger in the middle of the best animated trilogy ever, and it's been almost three weeks. I fully understand the delay and that you're doing the best you can under trying circumstances. Just curious. "Stay frosty." - 21


Hey recorded 2 and they are uploading to Bitchute hopefully won't be much longer soon as they go live I'll be posting them bud, thanks for the patience!

Henchman Twenty1

J K Simmons was the name you were looking for. He also voiced Ben on the Venture Bros. Halloween episode and told Dean that he and Hank were clones. When that other detective said, "throw it out there and see if the cat licks it up", I'm pretty sure they got that from "Twelve Angry Men". Juror 12, the advertising guy, said that. The purple clown was Mr. Nurple. Purple Nurple! I don't know if that's a thing in the UK but you do not wanna be on the receiving end of one.


I love how Cheryl can be heard with a little giggle after they take Shapiro away to find a workshop with pliers or a car battery.


J.K. Simmons is the best. And completely jacked for a 60-something year old man. It's a little disheartening for someone who is 10 years younger than him and entirely out of shape.