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Mac isn't jealous at all, he just hates gay marriage! 


Sunny 6x1 REACT^ION

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Nathan Avara

The first Lethal Weapon episode is Season 6 Episode 9

Luke Trottier

I think this episode is so strong for character development. Honestly, imo at this stage of the show: I don't think Dennis is a pure sociopath, but I think he is on the spectrum. I do think he isn't to be trusted with your safety, either, or around women, and I do think in a snap of rage or something, he is capable of some pretty disturbing stuff. But, I have seen his mom treat him like a saint, and I think being spoiled and treated as the favoured one (Dee was treated like shit), and the one who can do no wrong, along with being higher class, really fucked with his head, along with being on the sociopath spectrum. We do see moments though like his Mr. Tibbs stuffed animal, or when they dug up his mom's grave, where I think we see the soul being sucked out of him more and more. I do think he has a capacity of emotions, it's just really freaking broken, and he is still capable of some terrible things.

Luke Trottier

Frank and Charlie continue to form seemingly the most functional, as insane as that sounds, relationship between the gang. I think in some ways Frank for all his flaws, was willing to be a father figure on SOME level (even if a terrible one), and I think Charlie is a better person on some levels than Dennis and Dee, and however it works, Charlie not having a dad, Frank getting along better with Charlie, I think they have the best chemistry that seems to have some level of genuine love, and even sometimes demonstrated... in their own way, hah. The stuff with Mac is hysterical. His insecurities and jealousy shining through so bad. His breakdown scenes are surprisingly deep/psychological for a sitcom.


the gang goes HD

Lee Dellbridge

Don't worry Lethal Weapon 5 is coming this season.

Jay Willis

Yea it's later this season, but it is one of the episodes that most streaming services have taken down so you might have to find it.

Isaac zaragoza

heads up S6Ep9 is one of the banned episodes so youll have to look for that one if you dont have the dvds.


I mostly agree. Not to get too deep or anything, but I've been thinking about this a lot since I started rewatching the show through reactors on YouTube etc. I don't think Dennis is a psychopath/sociopath, just really, really broken. He's been victimized probably most of his life (they're not showing much of that anymore, but in season one there was a lot of unwanted/uninvited sexual contact happening to him that made him uncomfortable but also seemed normal to him (so it's probably been happening for years), and he possibly got raped in episode one? And in season 3 his father figure manipulated him, pimped him out and beat him, probably not for the first time), so he stuffs down any emotion he might have instead of dealing with any of the trauma. Pair that with horrible role models (including the special treatment by his mom, like you mentioned, but Frank's constant manipulation might be a bigger factor in terms of trust issues) and then toxic masculinity in general, I think he has an extremely warped sense of what relationships (with anyone) are/should be. Obviously he's still responsible for all the messed up things he does, as he seems mostly aware of where the line is and how horribly he treats people, but then I guess it's hard to feel empathy when you've conditioned yourself not to feel anything at all. (Then again, none of the group show a ton of empathy, even towards each other most of the time)


Are you joking lol? What a ridiculous loaded question if not then.


Why hate on the bible?


Love how the same comment was deleted. He's not. Nor is anyone going to give you the time of day trying to humor you Brandon


Get a life lmao. Do you check the comments every day? Nerd

Lady Beyond The Wall

There's no need to be like that, man. You care if someone says something you don't like about the bible, but you're being kind of a jerk. What happened to turning the other cheek, if you are a religious person who follows the bible?


Just to clarify, I didn't delete any comment and nor do I have a problem with religious people, or the bible it just isn't for me. I never meant to cause any offense