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got more goodies coming 


The Good Place 2x4 REACTION



Lee Dellbridge

Excellent i had nothing to do tonight now I do!


The whole single page memo with pictures was a dig at Trump, because that's what they had to actually do with Trump's memos as president. If you got some time to spare and want a laugh look up Samantha Bee Trump is illiterate, it's hilarious. It's on Youtube.


Funny story, as a kid we actually did have a dog we gave to a family that while they didn't have a farm they had a huge yard because they lived in the country. When we tell people about this, they obviously assume we're lying, but the difference is we got to visit him from time to time. He was a super protective dog but he had a couple incidents... One time he attacked my aunt, it wasn't terrible but pretty bad ( I learned this years later) and when we got a new dog, he was too violent with him. Overall, he was a good dog, but a little too protective. My Grandma told me about a time my mom was walking with me and well people handing out flyers tend to give them to little kids so they'll give them to their mom and dad and the woman handing out flyers he would stand between her and me whenever she walked around. He was German Shepard. He must have passed on many years ago. Most of the pets I had growing up lived really long lives. One of our dogs lived to be 18 or 19, another lived till he was 14, but he had had a major blood transfusion when he as younger, and that took years off his life.


looked at your image and was like, is that Shinsuke Nakamura? clicked on it and sure enough it was. I don't follw wrestling like I used to, but I love Shinsuke Nakamura.

Nikki Sonrisa

it's technically not cheating since Jason and Janet have no memory of their relationship. remember that Michael wiped their memories with each reboot and they've all been rebooted over 800 times. the show has 4 seasons by the way.


Happy birthday then! I also love that his "It's Chinese for Japan" tattoo is also Japanese for Japan since they use the same characters. I don't remember if I saw anyone comment this anywhere, but you should watch Parks and Rec if you haven't as well. By the same guy who made this show and with a similar fun, funny, positive vibe.


Michael was doing a perfect copy of Edvard Munch's The Scream. I don't know if that is spelled correctly because I don't feel like looking it up. Also, I doubt Janet would give a shit about Jason sleeping with Tahani. Again, laziness is my excuse if that is spelled incorrectly.