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VB season 6 special!

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There's an extra "after credits" scene you still need to see.

Henchman Twenty1

Yes. Paul, this is VERY IMPORTANT‼ Here is the link to the special epilogue on YouTube. Watch it BEFORE you start season six. Maybe you can include it with episode 6x1 as that starts off right where the epilogue ended. It's just under 3 1/2 minutes long and includes a trailer for season six. If you don't want any spoilers stop it when it says, "Because the brothers are coming back!" I'd prefer you do a cold reaction to 6X1 and maybe go back and watch the trailer at the end afterwards. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDRIMO7AL8U or just type "all this and gargantua 2 epilogue" in the search bar. Or maybe someone can just send it to him as they did with the Ladle to the Grave special.


Make sure to watch this before Season 6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDRIMO7AL8U

Henchman Twenty1

I think it's amusing that Billy idolized the original Team Venture but he now seems to be none too happy that The Action Man (Rodney) is romantically involved with his mom. Sort of like when Archer found out that his boyhood hero, Burt Reynolds, was dating his mother. So the Investors were actually gods, as was Killinger. He calls them "Lips, Caecius, and Skiron" who are the Greco-Roman gods of the southwest, northeast, and northwest winds, respectively. This implies then that Killinger is Apeliotes, or Eurus, the god of the southeast wind. The eagle that Headshot accidentally killed was really The Sovereign, as confirmed by the show's creators. Stephen Colbert reprised voicing Professor Impossible. He had stopped voicing him after episode 2X5 due to his getting his own show. I honestly thought Bill Hader had done a great job voicing him in the interim. There's a ton of cultural references in this one which can be found here: https://venturebrothers.fandom.com/wiki/All_This_and_Gargantua-2#Cultural_References I have contibuted to the wiki here and there.


BEFORE you start with Season 6, be sure to watch these TWO short videos: ATAG2 Epilogue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDRIMO7AL8U Season 5 Recap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2iltiQLSMo In that order.


His name was Scott Hall. Now it's just pathos. (ep: The Lepidopterists)

Filby Pott

So there was a scene they had to delete because of time issues that resolved the plot of two minor characters. After the rest of the Revenge Society escapes the space station, Fat Chance and Baron Underbheit are left alone wondering how they're going to get out. Fat Chance tells Underbheit to jump in his portal to get to safety, but then realizes HE has no place to go, and goes down with the ship. So Fat Chance is dead, and Underbheit is POSSIBLY dead, and at least lost in time and space.

Filby Pott

I have a sneaking suspicion that J.J. Venture wasn't as squeaky-clean as he appeared. Aside from the fact that the first thing he tried to do after he was "born" was murder his brother... He seemed to know exactly who the Investors were. Also, way back in "Guess Who's Coming to State Dinner", Colonel Manstrong, the commander of Gargantua-1, had a computer chip made by Venture Industries implanted in his brain that Rusty had no knowledge of. Who was in charge of salvaging Gargantua-1? J.J. We never did find out exactly what the chip was for or what it did... but J.J. didn't seem too broken up about dying, I'm just saying. None of this is spoilers btw, just speculation.

Mr Kitty

I didn't realize who the bird was that got shot until you commented on it! Nice attention to detail. I think you'll love the next season!

Henchman Twenty1

I think someone said that out of desperation Fat Chance tried to go through his own enigma hole. Not sure how that could work. Maybe Underbheit wound up in the other dimension where Doc has, "[M]ore money, more hair and a hit play on Broadway!"

Henchman Twenty1

It was the way in which JJ said that he would discuss, "those... terms later" to the Investors that was so suspect. Some fans speculated that he may have planned on having his brain or soul transferred into Doc's body by making a deal with the Investors.

Henchman Twenty1

Here is a question that never got explained: Why was Phantom Limb using The Monarch's childhood home? It was the same house where he was hiding out when he formed The Revenge Society and had Billy graft Dragoon's head onto Red Mantle's body. Was there some connection or was it because The Monarch took over Limb"s home after his failed attempt to kill The Sovereign and take over the Guild? I doubt Limb knew about you-know-what (sixth season spoiler).

Filby Pott

Regarding you-know-what, Phantom Limb WAS a member of the Jonas Venture Boys Brigade... but he also didn't seem to know (mumbles indistinctly)'s identity. Maybe Killinger pointed him to the house for his own inscrutable reasons, or maybe it's just one of the many wild coincidences that seem to happen a lot in this universe.


Seems like it's been copyright blocked. :(