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Last three episodes are coming today! I had planned on getting them out yesterday but the little one wanted to go on a bike ride, so enjoy a Sunday filled with your favourite spy! 


archer 5x11 reaction




It's so bad that if you google Mike Dukakis it's one of the first pictures that comes up. Decades in public service and that picture is pretty much the definition of Mike Dukakis now. Whoever thought that was a good idea should never have worked in political campaigns again. Cyril's look in the tank was obviously intended to recall that picture and the whole vibe surrounding it, although I have to say Cyril was able to pull it off a lot better than Mike Dukakis did.

Henchman Twenty1

Arghh! My comment got taken down because I quoted what Pam called Cyril when he was in the tank. I'll try to repost it later (an edited version) as I've got other stuff to do right now.

Henchman Twenty1

Some of the references are so old that many viewers wouldn't get them and/or they are American-centric, so I totally understand why Paul wouldn't get the Dukakis reference. I'm in my 50's so I remember back then, including the old Samsonite [edit: It was actually American Tourister] luggage commercial.

Henchman Twenty1

Okay, here's my attempt to re-post my post that got taken down. [Edit: It got taken down again. Third try with even more editing] Glad to hear that things seem to be getting back to normal in the UK. Here across the pond they've removed most restrictions. I think it's still too soon but we'll see. I am NOT looking forward to going back to work after being out on a very extended medical leave. Archer saying that his gun "went off for, like, no reason" was a callback to season 1, episode 2 where Archer was training Cyril to be a field agent. The gorilla reference when Pam tossed Mallory's luggage down the stairs is from a 1971 commercial for American Tourister luggage. I never knew it was a guy in a costume though. It looked pretty real to me as a kid back then. Here it is on Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5sEIWlQO7A It was shown in part in the movie Apollo 13 when astronaut Jim Lovell's elderly mom was in the nursing (pensioner's) home and a staff member was trying unsuccessfully to find coverage of the space mission on the telly. "It's that damn TV Guide again..." What Pam called Cyril when he was in the tank was a reference to 1988 Democratic presidential candidate, and former Massachusetts governor, Michael Dukakis. The republicans accused him of being soft on crime (see Willie Horton) and on foreign affairs. His campaign ran what was to be a disastrous ad featuring Mike riding in a tank with a helmet on. It backfired big time and he lost hugely to Bush the 1st. I was living in Massachusetts at the time and we all knew it was over after that damn commercial. As Al M points out above it became a huge meme long before memes were a thing. Everybody made fun of it for decades to come.


Hey I'm not sure why it was taken down. I click to see what it says but then it is gone, rest assured I'm not taking it down it must be patreons doing


The first time I watched this episode I lost it at the Mike Dukakis joke. It might be my favorite joke of the entire show.


It should be noted, again, that my response above was a reply to your original post that got taken down for whatever reason, so you were first on this issue. Just sayin', in case anyone is wondering why my post seems to start in the middle of the story. It was originally in response to your already thorough explanation.