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Sunny 4x7 REACTION

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This is the first episode I ever saw. Caught it on tv on a vacation with friends and the show became immortalized between us ever since.

Will Fly

I'm impressed that you knew that was Vivaldi, but maybe I should just be depressed that the vast majority of Americans would have no idea. Also, Kaitlyn was supposed to hit the car with her head, but nowhere near that hard, so she got to take a field trip to the hospital that day. They head a stunt person there,, but Kaitlyn wanted to do it herself...so she did.. And that's not some prop door that dents easily; that's a real car door that she put a real dent in. You'd be surprised how many times Kaitlyn had to go to the hospital making this show because of some physical bit gone wrong.


When will you be putting the lasat 3 Archer's on Patreon?

Justin Feldman

Kaitlin Olson is by far the best at physical comedy on the show. Pretty much every time you see her getting injured it's actually her and she actually gets hurt.


Kaitlyn is an amazing physical comedian, if you have free time you should check out The Mick, not saying react to it, but when you have free time check it out. She's the star and producer, it's nowhere near as good as It's Always Sunny but it's still pretty funny.


Yes she is, I've loved her physical comedy for years. Physical comedy is a tough thing to do, and not saying women aren't tough, but it's very rare to see a female physical comedian these days. It really speaks to her commitment to entertaining.


I love how they only stopped trying to drop a fecal bomb once the waitress walked in, lmao Artemis was just standing there watching like it was something out of the Discovery channel.