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Archer gets a new Car! 


Archer 3x6 REACTION




Hey man, don't stress out - I think most of us understand that family stuff comes before this. As much as your videos can make me feel a bit better after a rough day, you need to take care of yourself and your family first.

Leigh Bishop

You are my favourite reactor, not just because of the shows you watch, but because of the person you are. You feel like someone I would definitely be mates with, if I wasn't on the other side of the planet. Your love for family is a part of that, so please don't feel bad for not supplying constant content. You've got your priorities set fantastically.


Your question about why not train spies to drive cars reminds me of a clip I saw about the commentary track on the movie Armageddon where Ben Affleck talks about the time he asked Michael Bay why wouldn't they train astronauts to do the drilling rather than training drillers to be astronauts, and Michael Bay was basically like fuck you, that's why. lol


In case you didn't get the reference at the end with the guy who has Archer's car, he is a character from Frisky Dingo which was the show that Adam Reed, the creator of Archer did before Archer but after Sealab 2021.


Last year I forgot my own birthday. LOL!


for real? nol more The Owl House and a tone of this Archer crap show? yeah I'm leaving this...


Well I mean it was coming today BUT sure, if you can't wait like everyone else nobody is making you stay! Have a good day!


You didn't have a mic you could drop, did you? Cause that seems like a mic drop moment lol


Love your reactions bro, don't let haters ruin your day. It'd be somewhat different if you were full time Youtuber, but you aren't and honestly for a part timer you keep a big schedule. I mean real life issues should take priority, that's how life works. I'm on the spectrum and even though I was an easy kid compared to others I can't imagine what parents went through raising others on the spectrum.