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The guy in the white suit and the American Southern accent that you called Colonel Sanders (LOL) was Mark Twain, the American writer who wrote The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and many other famous works of American literature. Also, I think that whole group was supposed to be a take on English writer Alan Moore's graphic novel, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, but I could be wrong about that.


I don't know if it's a League of Extraodinary Gentleman parody, but the rest of the people in there were all famous real life/fictional figures of that late 1800s/early 1900s time period. Samuel Clemens, aka Mark Twain, famous Author, as you said. Oscar Wilde, famous playwright, also referenced in the riddle directly. Aleister Crawley, famous occultist. Eugene Sandow, known as the 'father of modern bodybuilding.' Fantomas, who was a famous fictional French villain/master criminal. They also mention being chased down by Nikola Tesla and the Avon Ladies.


@Syphonics Yep, you're right. I didn't talk about Wilde, because, as you've said, they mentioned him directly within the show itself, and I just completely forgot to mention Crowley, and I had no idea who Sandow and Fantomas were, so thanks for the heads up on those two. 😃👍


the part 1 and 2 things is not a joke fyi :)


I had a POG- *maker!*

Will Fly

And Fantomas was Phantom Limb's grandfather.

Todd “Canuck” Schmuck

No spoilers on story, but just a heads up before you get to it, it’s ok to be confused your first watch of the season 4 premiere(it pretty much demands a second viewing To put it all together thanks to some Nolan like storytelling). Also while it’s a ways away, there’s a couple specials in season 5 that you’ll want to be sure to include in the viewing order as some streaming/digital versions of the show don’t include them and I’ve heard of some people missing them and being confused(they’re like Dr. Who Christmas specials, with one having some key story moments, but the big one basically acting as the season 5 finale and confusing the hell out of anyone going into season 6 without seeing it). Don’t want to even infer spoilers, but fans are sure to help with explanations after the premiere(and to help out with viewing order questions as season 5 gets close).