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this is hands down the funniest episode yet! 



Archer 2x8 reaction



Okay, so there are many amazing animated series, new and old, that I love; RWBY, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Camp Camp, Robotech, EXO Squad, Gravity Falls, and many, many others, but for pure comedy, Archer is hands-down the best of them. I've lost count of how many episodes, they said something, or showed something, that got me laughing so hard for so long that I completely missed the entire rest of the episode, and I would have to go back to watch the rest of it again. And this is not a rare occurrence, as I've mentioned, it's happened for many episodes, and often multiple times for an episode. So yeah, Archer is my favorite all-time animated comedy series, no doubt about it, and I think you can see why that is! 🤣


The next 2 episodes are going to have you on the ground laughing. My face hurts from laughing in between the 2nd and 3rd phone call


There just isn't a funnier show than the first 4 seasons of Archer. After that it starts to slowly trail off, but through season 6 it's still funnier than most other shows.


Yes the next episode is one of my favorites as is the one following it.


I keep going back and watching all the Archer reactions Paul has done. They're brilliant. Unfortunately some have been taken down 😔

James Park

Maybe I'm the only one but there isn't a season of Archer I don't like. Not to say I haven't hated some, i.e, the coma seasons, but the more I watched them over time, the more I liked them. It's interesting but I actually like the coma seasons after rewatching them a couple of times. Even Danger Island which is touted to be the worst of the dream seasons. But to each their I guess.


If I remember right, the next episode is spectacular. It's one of my favorites


Have the missing episodes from seasons 1 and 2 been taken down permanently?