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Dear Patron fam,

I hope everyone is well and having a great month! I just wanted to make this post to share some updates with you all.

Firstly, as always, I’d like to express my sincere gratitude for everyone’s continued support. It literally means the world. 

Secondly, as some of you might have noticed, this month has been unusually quiet in terms of video uploads. This year, I’m committed to being as transparent as possible with everyone, and I think that starts with a quick explanation. Earlier this month, I picked up a part-time job opportunity, which turned out to be a bit more hectic and time-consuming than I initially anticipated. This opportunity has required me to travel quite a bit this month, which explains my absence and has impacted my usual content creation schedule. I’m currently out of town and will be returning home on February 5th.

While juggling these responsibilities, I've managed to create 4 videos this month. The latest one BSG 2x10 was just uploaded today. Please go check it out!

In the coming weeks, I plan to reassess and optimize my content creation process to better align with my new schedule capacity. I will also be adjusting the pricing for all Patrons to fairly reflect any changes in my upload schedule.

That said, I have found some new inspiration while travelling, and I’m excited about some upcoming content ideas that I can't wait to share with you.

While I’m not ready to provide all the details just yet, know that there are plans in the works to get back to consistently producing high quality content for everyone.

Once again, thank you for your understanding, patience, and unwavering support. It’s a privilege to have you as part of this community, and I’m looking forward to bringing you more of the content you love.


Lady Beyond The Wall

I basically agree with what others have already said in this post. I love you buddy and I'm glad you found something else that you enjoy, I just wish you would have told us when you got the other job or even beforehand, even if you didn't think it was going to take too much time. It's far better than people thinking you've literally died or something. And I think it's an absolutely great idea to reassess your prices. I've been willing to pay the $15 a month because you've been watching all the stuff I love and because I enjoy YOU so much. And it was definitely worth it... when we were getting at least 3 or 4 videos a week. After that stopped happening weekly, it stopped being worth it, but I stuck around anyway because I wanted to support you. Not to mention the nice people I've gotten to talk to in the comments. I've been here a long time now, almost 4 years? Through lots of great times with consistent uploads and lots of dark times with no uploads, lol. Just to support you, mostly. I'm glad you got a new job that seems to be something you really like, but.. it feels kinda bad to have done that when we've tried to get you to view THIS as even a part-time job sometimes, without having even been told first? I don't mean that to come across bad or mean or rude. Just how I feel. I've been really, really excited to see you watch BSG. And I want to see the conclusion of that, but my finances aren't super great at the moment so I'm going to unsub until you're able to lower it a bit I think. Please, please let me know when you're able to lower the $15 tier. It is very high for the amount of content compared to others who put out A LOT more content far more consistently. I do think it's a good idea to lower it a bit. And I'll be right back as soon as you're able to do at least BSG once or twice a week at $10 or something. Love you bud. ❤️

Sam Trott

Well this didn't age well, Whales uploaded one reaction in two months. My subscription renewed today so April Fools is on me I guess