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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate Universe Season 2 Episode 2 "Aftermath" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/eg6mgw8kqjf1im3cqex3a/SUS22UE.mp4?rlkey=onus2z1bcnv9ysa0wl4l406cd&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NDTVOCBwB9kiNn62xMB3igq5Eco4BO4O/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-CRfy8LrTdq


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INSTAGRAM                       ► https://www.instagram.com/failwhale34



i wonder how many times coincidence needs to happen to tell its actually a fact and not coincidence? lol.

Brent Justice

I decided to un-sub again. I gave it a second chance by being subbed again for a few months silently, so I tried. Yep, that's all there is to say really. I really appreciated everyone's comments and replies to the shows, it's been a real treat to read your comments on each show, I've enjoyed the appreciation from the members here about these shows, we all love the same things, so it's been real nice reading your comments about the same shows I love.


Same. I wont be coming back this time though. The old excuses of burnout and being in a funk were fine but the way he increased the price without warning back when this all started and now like $15 a month aint cheap and he just doesnt care anymore. I know some of these other channels ive been checker out are newer but how this other channel has uploaded 18 reactions since FWs last upload at less than half the price. I dunno if any of you remember, if you were here then, when he was charging $10 a month for the early access and he went on a trip to visit his family.... he was uploading like 5or more times a week back then. And he recorded so far in advance that he scheduled a bunch of releases for when he was away as well. I miss the passion. All good things come to an end though. Out of all the reactors I had watched he seemed like like a lot of the same stuff. If it werent for you guys recommending he watch buffy and angel i never would have watched through those series in their entirety either. While I still have no nostalgic feelings for them since I didnt watch them much when they first aired they rank pretty low for me. Still glad I finally checked them off though. IMO Angel s5 was probably the best of both the shows.