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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate: Atlantis Season 4 Episode 15 "Outcast" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/womegrg8703l4lk6hdpay/SAS415UE.mp4?rlkey=wnzj9apvls49q60rdpbsiyouw&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18Smbtr2R7tWVFPIa3kABd_GT-0BJ084y/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-Kd48Fchimk


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In there like swim wear


Oh my god, it just hit me like a bolt of lightning. John’s brother’s name is Dave, short for David…which is my first name. And John’s family and mine are two of only FOUR I’VE EVER SEEN to spell Sheppard that way. It’s an extremely rare spelling. I literally AM John’s brother. 🤣


the next episodes are goated


Since the escaped Replicator didn't have a lot of dialogue nor much focus on his face and emotions, but did have a lot of running, climbing, jumping and fighting to do, they actually hired a stuntman to play him.

Geonn Cannon

"Ohhh Outcast! I love this episode! (starts watching the reaction) Wait, it starts like this...? Oh damn, I'm thinking of a completely different episode." I had just a vague memory of this one. I didn't even remember the escaped Replicator or the Ava twist.


Great episode. The guy that plays John's brother was one of the main stars in one of the Babylon 5 movies.

Geonn Cannon

I just checked, the episode I was thinking about is in Season FIVE. I was waaayyyy off. 😂


This episode is one of a few where i have a serious problem with how they end up dealing with a good replicator, ugh

Timothy Nikiforovs (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-28 13:02:36 Little late to this one, but great episode. A ways back, Joe Flanigan tried to buy the rights to the Stargate franchise. Episodes like this make you wish he'd succeeded. It was nice to get some exploration of Sheppard's whole family situation at last. Shame he never got to reconcile with his father, but at least he mended some fences with his brother and ex wife. Also Ronon on Earth is always fun. He's like that awkward cousin at family get togethers. I also gotta say, the action and stunt work was top notch here as well. This episode had so much momentum to it. Beaming someone into low Earth orbit so they burn up on reentry is also a fairly creative use of transporters(Lee saving the day with his Terminator & LotR references). I've always thought it would be a cool sci fi concept to have someone with some transport or shuttlecraft and no weapons basically cripple a planet like ours with just a transporter. Beam key individuals into space(or underground), beam out critical components of the power grid, beam up explosives and then send them back on a timer to where they'll do the most damage. Sci fi treats them like a means to get from A to B, but they're actually a really OP weapon that scifi writers tend to sleep on. Cool seeing bates again, though it seems the man can't stop getting his ass kicked. Bates might have been a bit of an ass in S1, but he was a solid security officer, and it's good to see he landed on his feet. Nice callback. Regarding the ending, I can understand why people would have some issue with how they treated Ava, as benign as she seemed. She did help them and didn't do anything wrong. Still, when you remember that the replicators have been the biggest threat in 2(and almost 3) galaxies, there's an issue of safety and practicality to take into account. What they did to her may be ethically questionable, but that's far better then taking the chance of replicators becoming a threat again and threatening potentially trillions of lives. Their solution kept her consciousness and personality alive while removing the threat of a replicator outbreak. It was the best compromise IMO.
2023-03-07 22:14:13 Little late to this one, but great episode. A ways back, Joe Flanigan tried to buy the rights to the Stargate franchise. Episodes like this make you wish he'd succeeded. It was nice to get some exploration of Sheppard's whole family situation at last. Shame he never got to reconcile with his father, but at least he mended some fences with his brother and ex wife. Also Ronon on Earth is always fun. He's like that awkward cousin at family get togethers. I also gotta say, the action and stunt work was top notch here as well. This episode had so much momentum to it. Beaming someone into low Earth orbit so they burn up on reentry is also a fairly creative use of transporters(Lee saving the day with his Terminator & LotR references). I've always thought it would be a cool sci fi concept to have someone with some transport or shuttlecraft and no weapons basically cripple a planet like ours with just a transporter. Beam key individuals into space(or underground), beam out critical components of the power grid, beam up explosives and then send them back on a timer to where they'll do the most damage. Sci fi treats them like a means to get from A to B, but they're actually a really OP weapon that scifi writers tend to sleep on. Cool seeing bates again, though it seems the man can't stop getting his ass kicked. Bates might have been a bit of an ass in S1, but he was a solid security officer, and it's good to see he landed on his feet. Nice callback. Regarding the ending, I can understand why people would have some issue with how they treated Ava, as benign as she seemed. She did help them and didn't do anything wrong. Still, when you remember that the replicators have been the biggest threat in 2(and almost 3) galaxies, there's an issue of safety and practicality to take into account. What they did to her may be ethically questionable, but that's far better then taking the chance of replicators becoming a threat again and threatening potentially trillions of lives. Their solution kept her consciousness and personality alive while removing the threat of a replicator outbreak. It was the best compromise IMO.

Little late to this one, but great episode. A ways back, Joe Flanigan tried to buy the rights to the Stargate franchise. Episodes like this make you wish he'd succeeded. It was nice to get some exploration of Sheppard's whole family situation at last. Shame he never got to reconcile with his father, but at least he mended some fences with his brother and ex wife. Also Ronon on Earth is always fun. He's like that awkward cousin at family get togethers. I also gotta say, the action and stunt work was top notch here as well. This episode had so much momentum to it. Beaming someone into low Earth orbit so they burn up on reentry is also a fairly creative use of transporters(Lee saving the day with his Terminator & LotR references). I've always thought it would be a cool sci fi concept to have someone with some transport or shuttlecraft and no weapons basically cripple a planet like ours with just a transporter. Beam key individuals into space(or underground), beam out critical components of the power grid, beam up explosives and then send them back on a timer to where they'll do the most damage. Sci fi treats them like a means to get from A to B, but they're actually a really OP weapon that scifi writers tend to sleep on. Cool seeing bates again, though it seems the man can't stop getting his ass kicked. Bates might have been a bit of an ass in S1, but he was a solid security officer, and it's good to see he landed on his feet. Nice callback. Regarding the ending, I can understand why people would have some issue with how they treated Ava, as benign as she seemed. She did help them and didn't do anything wrong. Still, when you remember that the replicators have been the biggest threat in 2(and almost 3) galaxies, there's an issue of safety and practicality to take into account. What they did to her may be ethically questionable, but that's far better then taking the chance of replicators becoming a threat again and threatening potentially trillions of lives. Their solution kept her consciousness and personality alive while removing the threat of a replicator outbreak. It was the best compromise IMO.

Stef Furness

Just posted about Dial the Gate's interview w a Col O'Neill chatbot last night - there was a series of questions regarding who he thought the greater foe for them was between the Goauld, the Replicators, and the Ori - he was pretty clear that the Replicators had the greater capacity for learning, and teaching us about evolution, while also stating in no uncertain terms that the Replicators were worth far more risks and sacrifices to defeat than either of the other two.