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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate: Atlantis Season 4 Episode 14 "HARMONY" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/70p4iil37ou5ih4q69zr6/SAS414UE.mp4?rlkey=x1kvmpcoccnkajua165b7ezm4&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Unz12bIZEdiJyLmMmlXcQoEN4N8W_Nhs/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-BzGglA0zdP


What it dooski! Here's my Want to see me LIVE? https://twitch.tv/failwhale34

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Timothy Nikiforovs

Like the prior episode I also don't particularly dislike this one, though I do understand the criticisms of it, it's still a relatively fun, comedic side adventure, and that painting at the end is just classic. The mini drones are kinda interesting, but pretty underwhelming compared to what we've seen the full sized ones do, especially in Lost City. They are prototypes though. Quarantine was the better episode IMO. Bottle shows often allow the writers to explore character dynamics they can't often fit in a more crammed storyline. It's unfortunate to see McKay and Katie seemingly finding out they're not so compatible, and they really don't address it here. Ronon and Keller had pretty good chemistry, Carter and Radek not so much, but he still got to be the hero. Also Sheppard got to do some Assassin's Creed LARPing. I do find it pretty annoying at this point that they keep using the genii as generic bad guys when they're supposed to have a truce with them. They really just should introduce some other bad guy faction that has guns and use them in these situations instead. Just say they bought guns from the genii. The remainder of the season is pretty good though. Hard to believe soon we'll only have 20 SGA eps left.

Johanna Nel

This is a good episode to demonstrate that they are not just fighting the Wraith but also interacting with people in trade.