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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate: Atlantis Season 4 Episode 12 "Spoils of War" REACTION!

DIAL THE GATE INTERVIEW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUTYvpoQwS0&ab_channel=DialtheGate

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/qkqacv1rf7qd8kcy1r69i/SAS412UE.mp4?rlkey=c9btyddqnx9rphcga4s6f1lb1&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IPNE0yPEZrMctpEh25G5yIRw99Z_BiAs/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-uD3bZdBy7R

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Timothy Nikiforovs

An interesting episode, especially in how it completely avoided dealing with that Weir cameo at the end of the last one. I will say I'm somewhat unconvinced by the cloning facility being that pivotal in ending the war. Troops mean nothing in a galactic war, so the real question is how did they get so many ships? Like I said in the comments, and like others have said, they really should have planned out how to steal some ZPMs and possibly an aurora or 2. If wraith in darts can pull it off, jumpers or maybe beaming tech could as well. Shame they couldn't snag 1 or 2 from the facility, or even from the Auroras in orbit if they were using them. And yeah Andee Frizzell plays pretty much all the wraith queens. Some are a little more unique like the underwater one, but I find generally the queens collectively have the least gravitas of all the enemy factions leaders. They're all too similar, and extremely predictable. Very cartoonish villains, especially with Andee clearly trying to force her voice to go much lower than it ever naturally would. Kinda kills the intimidation factor. The Priors and Doci and Adria had more personality, and more variety. The replicators and Asurans had some decent characters. The goa'uld of course are still the best with some very unique, complex, and entertainingly egotistical villains to pit against the team. Todd (finally we can call him that) definitely carries the wraith faction. Michael, love him or hate him, is at least unique and cunning, and adds another facet to the wraith. Todd is just awesome though. I love that at this point, it's almost like he sees the AR1 team as pets he's adopted. Brent had a good point about them going to that planet with the hive though. Maybe the 304s had already left and it would take too long to call them back, but that was definitely a mission for them. Still, I think this was needed to make Teyla understand why John has the concerns he does, and why she should too. It's hard to see how they'll make the show work with a main cast member essentially benched, but she needed to accept that things are different for her now. Shame that both the hive and ZPMs slipped through their fingers. Both could have been great assets.


the ships were organic, no? i imagine the zpm's were used to also speed the growth of ships?

Sean o'donnell-field

late to the conversation, but the Wraith Queen was same actress from the pilot...and i think played them all until some of the later seasons