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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate Atlantis Season 3 FINALE Episode 20 "First Strike" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wskcbk37r43m3to12n6k0/SAS320UE.mp4?rlkey=ilfxk5ap6ke8p25fgah0yq37l&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dE2XrTs7qDao2Ma7_rZb_aMhOtLvP0wV/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-tJpNasY70w


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jeremy Bohrer

I'd recommend not watching the intro for season 4 until ep 3 as it has character spoilers


I 100% agree. Skiping the intro is important. We need to see your reaction

Timothy Nikiforovs

This is IMO one of the best of SGA's 2/3 parters. Hell of a finale. This was our first look back in the day at Earth's 5th battlecruiser, but of course chronologically that brief bit in AoT happened before Apollo left to take on this mission. They really should have considered contacting Earth for help though. Certainly McKay can write a program to make one of the other Pegasus gates access the intergalactic bridge. Have Apollo take a jumper to a nearby system, make your way through the gate bridge to the SGC. With the Ori threat neutralized, they could borrow at least 1 of the ZPMs from either Antarctica or Odyssey, if not both, then return them right after moving Atlantis. In fact should have done that before launching the attack. Col Ellis seems like he had a similar arc to Caldwell in terms of butting heads with Weir, but boiled down into 1 episode. Did roll my eyes a bit at Weir's whole "it's because I'm a civilian, and a woman". To be fair she did say "some" in the military, but seriously nobody cares she's a woman. This is typical inter-branch compartmentalization. They DID inform her, just not as soon as she'd like. Now as I said above, this should have been planned ahead to briefly give all 3 zpms to Atlantis and relocate it, not just because of this mission, but because the current location has been compromised for a while anyway. Bottom line is those ships posed a threat to the entire milky way, and even if they specifically told Weir not to tip the replicators off by trying to negotiate, they'd want to make sure that info reached as few ears as possible until they were ready to go. I mean look at how cagey Ellis was about discussing the plan in the open right before they left. Weir constantly makes a point of this being a civilian led expedition, but this is a military matter concerning multiple galaxies. Her job title doesn't cover it. But yes, Atlantis should have been moved first. Regarding the stargate weapon, I think we've discussed that possibility in the comments of a few episodes. Granted it may take a while to reverse engineer their tech, but Earth does have all the Asgard knowledge now, and those Asgard beams were pretty damn powerful to take out Ori motherships. Imagine they build this massive, Giga Chad asgard beam, along with a bunch of asgard reactors to power it. Too big to mount on a ship, but like a 1 shot kill on a hive ship(like the weapons platform at the end of S1). You build one in each galaxy. Now what you do is you find an appropriate room on the bow of the 304s, and you remodel it some. So first, you're gonna need to have a big hatch that opens to space, and this big mechanical arm that the stargate is mounted to. Normally this allows teams to gate to and from a battlecruiser, which could have some advantages in some situations, like evacuating a planet. No need to do a bunch of trips with life support requirements in mind, just beam them up and gate them out(Inferno comes to mind). Now if a particularly troublesome foe, like an ori ship or a hive ship is encountered, you dial the planet with the weapon, tell them you need fire support, and they dial you back after the wormhole shuts down. Now this mechanical arm extends the stargate out the bow of the ship and can rotate it around like a turret, and the weapon itself is fired by the 304 crew sending an appropriate radio signal back, so they control when it fires. Imagine if the Daedalus could go and take on 3-4 hive ships at a time. They clean up the galaxy quick. Anyway, amazing finale, and really eerie place to leave off floating in the void with limited power. Quite the cliffhanger.


my guess is the IOA (and other governments) wanted to permanently keep a ZPM on earth in case of a surprise attack, as the safety of earth is and always will be priority 1. odyssey's ZPM could be necessary to use the asgard core, the technology being more important to research than giving atlantis yet another zpm.