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What it dooski! Here's my Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 7 Episode 13 "The Killer in Me" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/muejl1l4xknaupjaiylyc/BFYS713UE.mp4?rlkey=91e2m3kt1zn0p4d4ge2nlsbaf&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Rj-koBK5kHzUpAbZKgrX0j_I1Wu5rF7v/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-ooMvZv6Bqp


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Kenneth Elder

I recommend you like pan through some of the previous eps for a fun detail. I remember when this aired I thought Giles was the First because Anthony Head actually never touched anything at all for several episodes.

Brent Justice

I like the fakeout that Giles is dead, cause we never did see the resolution to that thing coming toward his head, never have seen it yet, and so yeah, it makes sense, he really did die then and this is the first. But, it isn't. Nice twist, cause up to now you really do question if he's touched anything or anyone gave him a hug. But somehow, apparently, he did survive. And yeah, Willow finally let Tara be dead, and let her go for a bit, she wasn't o her mind, and it got to her. I'm glad Willow can truly move on now. But what a way to get to that point. I liked seeing Amy back. As for Spike, I guess Buffy has a decision to make, what will it be.... remove the chip finally? Cause that's big

Daniel Thunberg

The only episode where a Pedo-joke actually is funny. And the episode where we see what a *****, Amy has become.


I really like this one. Nice that we get 3 stories in one, and also for SMG to get a break, I'm sure. You can kind of hear that she's a bit sniffly in this one; she doesn't really have that many lines to learn and only one fight sequence in the dark, so I'm sure that was intentional. It's not surprising Amy turned out the way she did and it was great to see the actress back. She had an evil mother who used her, she never felt good enough and, like she mentions in this one, that she has to try really hard to even get the simplest things done right, just like back in season 1. Then of course falling into addiction which can completely change a person. I always liked Amy's character and I'm glad they didn't just turn her nice in the end as its a good contrast between her and Willow. I do wish we could have had the actress who played her mother back for one episode, coz I think that would have been interesting seeing the two together now that Amy's lost a little of her humanity. Plus, the actress who played her mum in only one episode did such a great job, that's always one I remember.


The actress who plays Amy is SPOT ON a Jennifer Aniston clone to me, from her face and hair to her voice and manner of speaking

Timothy Nikiforovs

Amy is so fuckin petty. Like really, she turned herself into a rat, and Willow was the one that changed her back, and now she's jealous because Willow just happened to have more natural talent. I mean sure, I get it, it's a fair point that she almost destroyed the world, but move on. Also I see you're warming up to Kennedy, which I'd imagine is triggering a few fans, including myself. I've seen polls trying to decide if she's worse than Justine from Angel, so there's that. A lot of people feel like she is just a cheap, unnecessary replacement for Tara to reaffirm Willow's lesbian status. Even though they had that scene addressing that at the end, it doesn't change the fact that's what it is. Also I just find her really arrogant and pushy, plus a little cringe at times. Like when one of the potentials was saying she prefers stakes and feeling the wood in her hand, and she jumps in to say "lost me there"🙄. We get it Kennedy, you're into girls, focus on the end of the world stuff. Also what a throw back going back to the Initiative. Seems pretty clear that they couldn't get Marc Blucas back, so we got "random soldier guy" instead. Riley showing up again would really have pushed the "pulling on old threads" element of this episode to the next level. Presumably Buffy told them to remove the chip for a few reasons. For one, if repaired, there's a good chance it'll just break down again in a few years, so it just kicks the can down the road. Second, it's not like it's been stopping him from killing people under control of The First. Third, Buffy believing in Spike to be better is one of the only things holding him together right now, and removing the chip shows she trusts him. Lastly, I don't know if we actually never saw Giles interact with anyone or anything, but certainly in this episode they cleverly worked around it in a few ways, like having Dawn carry out the one girl's notepad, or not driving the car. Though there are still some problems there, like not being able to close the door or put on a seatbelt. Also you'd figure if the bringer had killed Giles, it would have finished off Robson as well. Still they do a good job planting that seed of doubt in your mind.

Avlin Ærbødig

well on the one hand.. those wannabe slayers were supposedly a bunch of 15year olds.. but thatts the cringe we expect. that aside, the Tara replacement was indeed skillfully flity and pretty tho