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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Farscape Season 4 Episode 13 "Terra Firma" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/64x41ljlpt6vf0zepa8qp/FSS413UE.mp4?rlkey=yfyopwnc7div2rj11zbi6kho4&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-Emsi4STiYqavdeUmp1TAIKVBDc2s4Og/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-ZsPNQUHJUo


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Brent Justice

The hardest thing that has always been extremely hard for me to accept in Farscape is not the aliens, or the far-out whacky show, but rather the idea that we are supposed to believe that Australia is the USA. LOL every time I see it, it's just off, and the fact that you can hear everyone's Australian accent through their 'trying to have a US accent' voices. You can so tell that it's Australians trying to have a fake accent, and you can so tell it's Australia. IMO they should have just based the whole show around Australia then, and then they wouldn't have to fake it, and it'd be more real, to be honest. That's like the hardest part of the whole show for me lol. Also, for this particular episode, there'd be way more people surrounding the group, there would be people all over the place, and a lot more secluded. The aliens, the hardware, it would all be much more under wraps, and no one, repeat no one would be allowed to roam free, everywhere they went would be under only sanctioned movements. The security would be up the wall. So what we see in this isn't that believable to be honest. All of that said, yeah this episode screams of low budget, it's obvious they are trying to do a big story, but are on a shoestring, which is ok. It is what it is. And it's a big pivot for the show for sure, usually, you'd save something like this for the series finale, but nope, they did it right here, so now we wonder, what is left? What is the plot now? I guess to fight the Scarrans and Peacekeepers from finding Earth, now the new Intro sequence makes sense. While some of the execution could be better, you can overall see what they were going for.


Well this was a great episode IMO. John has wanted nothing more than to go home and, here he is.


If you love a show and it's characters, the only thing that should matter is the story, if you constantly have to judge and critique the writing and the production, then why bother watching????