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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Merlin Series Finale REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ctq0q6lo7inrssjb0785k/MLS5FINUE.mp4?rlkey=i25cowxxfh87mhpb9cu087m7q&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Wc-YslO48cGw3VGmlQe56tXf5SG_BUfB/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-fvr3x5ewG9


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The ending of this always gets me a little emotional - though the series had some rough patches - I think they nailed it with the relationship between Merlin and Arthur. I think the ending was supposed to hint at Merlin still being alive and waiting for Arthur to return. Love if they made a sequel now set in the modern day, with Arthur coming back due to the fact we screwed everything up so badly lol


So many people shit on GoT season8. While yes it was rushed and a let down it wasnt nearly as disappointing as many other shows have been. Merlin is a perfect example. This whole season, while having some epic moments, was a huge waste of time. So many episodes in this show are just the same plot the same drawn out BS. I dont know if the 5th season would be the last at the time of filming season4 but I think Merlin revealing himself for the finale of season4 would have meant we could have spent season5 with Arthur struggling at first with who Merlin is then slowly working into not only accepting him but asking for his help to deal with threats. Then the end could have played out the same where Merlin lost his magic was able to tell Arthur he had to go regain his magic and that really DUMB moment of Arthur talking shit about Merlin not being brave enough to follow him into this one last battle wouldnt have happened. And the ending was just to show Merlin was still alive today to hint at basically Arthur being reincarnated at some point to be the future king because of the whole "once and future king" bit so our Arthur was the "once" and we never get to meet the "future" I've never rewatched Lost but I recall really disliking it in the end. As much as I love sorcery this shows awful moments and lazy writing and REALLY bad action sequences outweigh the badass magic moments we have. And like with all these shows, the most reoccurring character as you said... the concussion so that our powered characters can do their thing and not be revealed because god forbid we let people have the knowledge then our powered character wouldnt have to hold back as much and everything would have quicker resolutions and we would have to spend more money on effects. Just really feel if Arthur knew this whole season we could have told a wider variety of stories instead of copy pasted story beats