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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: X-Files Season 4 Episode 7 "Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/v0va2qrezrdt5yfbnhwx2/XFS47UE.mp4?rlkey=czxc8th0z1t0lutluqm77vfob&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17OznmHoeDRERlc9cT507Pnarj1xK-FhD/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-588PdTPWWX


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Timothy Nikiforovs

It's pretty unusual of the X Files to give the audience this many answers about a rather mysterious figure like the CSM, but it did make for a rather good episode in the end. Still, it was actually the intention that this be taken as only a possible recounting of his life, speculation on the part of the lone gunmen. Also originally he was supposed to shoot Frohike at the end, and the scene was actually shot already, but during production the footage mysteriously disappeared, and the ending was changed to make CSM more enigmatic. I do kind of feel bad for the character by the end though. First there's that depressing take on the Forrest Gump "box of chocolates" monologue, but it's all the other little things too. The whole plot of him being a struggling writer. The cringe of him giving the men he worked with 4 of the exact same ties, which were already near identical to the ones they were wearing. How he didn't want to be the alien's executioner. The one that really hits though is when they invited him to spend Christmas with them and it almost seems like he wants to and then says "I have to see some......family", when we know full well he has none. It's just depressing. It's fun to learn some other little things about him too, like how he took up smoking, his distaste for movies, and how passionate he can be about sports. I mean ensuring the soviets lose an olympic hockey game, you can see how that could have national interest. But tying up government resources to ensure a football team you don't like never wins, that's just petty. Hey, maybe the Cubs broke their 108 year losing streak because someone like the CSM died? To that I'm sure he's say "there are no men like me". What was really interesting though was that he actually admired MLK and his fight for civil rights, even seeming rather progressive for that era. Not that I ever saw CSM as racist, more that I never saw him as concerned with ANYONE'S civil rights. Been looking forward to the next couple eps for a good while now.


One of the most memorable episodes for sure. The story is so over the top that you don't know whether to believe a thing, but it says a lot about the man regardless.