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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate SG-1 Season 9 Episode 12 "Collateral Damage" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pakaw4nat77jra7au80jo/SGS912UE.mp4?rlkey=vj6kzptqgh4cw2j2l167t7we3&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ltTNbV5iDpyi4W2skOaXe-b81G7jCNNN/view?usp=sharing

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Martin Nicholls

Jeff Upton is a slightly interesting story, he's from just down the road from me here in old Blighty but moved to Canada in the 1970's and was ostensibly a pretty serious rock climber. It appears that he joined the SG1 team for season 9 as a lighting engineer then died suddenly - think this is the last episode he worked on. This one is maybe a poor SG1 episode (in that it doesn't further the SG1 plot in any way) but good proper science fiction fodder - it's the kind of thing you'd expect to see more in a show like Star Trek (and there are episodes very similar to this in most of the Trek properties) - it's decent but are the Ori not a pressing matter now? :)

Geonn Cannon

You got bamboozled!! Fun fact, the show KNEW everyone would suspect the emissary guy and played up to that not only with the writing, but when they cast the character. That actor has a long, long, long history of playing assholes and villains in 80s movies (specifically Die Hard and Ghostbusters). As soon as he walks on screen people who recognize him are hardwired to say "That dude did it, let's move on!" So it was a very artfully done bluff. Respect. Also in terms of memories/dreams: always first person and in color, like I'm reliving the memory. No special powers but I CAN read in them (which some people claim is impossible). A funny story about dreams, and ironic that it came up in this episode... earlier this week, I had a dream that you had special guest collaborations with Will Smith and Snoop Dogg. Your mom kept calling Snoop "Calvin," asking you things like "So do you know Calvin from school or work?" When I woke up I googled and said, "You know, if you'd asked me while I was awake what his real name was, I'm 100% sure I never would have guessed Calvin..."


Ehhhhh, god. I gotta say, this is one episode archetype that I deeply dislike, and always has been. You know, there are five or six episode types that every sci-fi and/or fantasy show just HAS to hit, the time travel episode(s), the time loop, the alternate reality, the clone/some kind of duplicate, the “everything you’ve known for the last several years of this show has been just you being insane and you’ve actually been in an asylum the whole time”, all that. And this one, the “main character appears to have murdered someone, usually someone they’ve just grown intimate with” episode. Most of those episode types I love every time, really enjoy seeing how they’re done in each franchise, and generally have a ton of fun with. But these ones seriously do absolutely nothing for me; in fact I find them quite annoying. Gotta say, having now rewatched this episode for the first time…probably ever?…it did absolutely nothing to change my mind. There’s never any doubt or questioning for us, no thought of “Oh no! What if this is the episode of that type where they REALLY DID do it?!” We know, beyond any possible doubt, that it’s all just bullshit, and the entire thing is just us waiting for the characters to realize what we already know, which is obviously fine for a bit, but when it’s stretched over a long period of time, it becomes frustrating. And of course we just spend the whole episode waiting to find out how exactly their memories got fucked with in this particular iteration, waiting for the exact ending we all know is inevitably coming. And in this case, it’s actually even MORE frustrating, because with the setup for this episode, the INSTANT they say that Cam confessed and we find out he “remembers” the murder, we already KNOW the how. So we have to sit there, watch a bunch of arguing, discussion, negotiation, and investigation, simply to arrive at the conclusion we already reached within the first minute of the episode, and the only question left that we (kind of) care about is of who actually did it, which is almost always set up like it’s going to be one person, then usually turns around to the one you’d least expect. This is far and away my least favorite episode archetype that every Sci-Fi show invariably feels the need to do for some reason, perhaps tied with those “in the asylum and the whole show was just the character being crazy” episodes, in which you also don’t believe the premise for a single second, and the entire thing is just waiting for the characters to catch up with you. So yeah, just always disliked these episodes, and while it’s always wonderful to see more Stargate that you near enough or actually haven’t seen before…this just brought me no joy at all. Which is sad.

Martin Nicholls

Doesn't forget time dilation and body swapping. I know what you mean, it's a little out of place for the show but if you don't watch much scifi it is less jarring I expect.

brad hawkes

Usually I skip this one as I’ve seen this exact plot in a number of sci-fi but really enjoyed this viewing, totally cried at the end with cams dad telling him how strong he is tho, ugh ♥️


Whenever I've done a re-watch of SG1 I always skip this one because I remember how it ends and figure its not worth the watch. Watching this reaction fully I realize how wrong I was and how good of a mystery and Mitchel centered episode this was.

Lady Beyond The Wall

Whew. As for dreams, they're in color, and sometimes I have dreams about stuff I'm watching, which is always kind of cool. Like I'll have SG-1 dreams and SGA dreams because of your reactions, lol. And I mentioned a while ago I had a dream about Rodney, but never explained it 😂 But um, he took me on a date, we had sexy times and a cat was staring at us the entire time. It was very.. strange. I'm also re-watching Star Trek DS9 at the moment and every now and then I'll have dreams about that, which is nice. It's one of my favorite shows and I even named my (now 12 year old) cat Dax after one of the characters, because he (my cat) has spots and so does she (the character). But in general, so I'd say 90% of my dreams the past 7 years, have been nightmares. 7 years ago is when I got out of a very abusive marriage. I'd been beaten often, he'd flick cigarettes in my eyes, tear out my hair, strangle me, punch me and eventually he broke my back. He only went to jail for 6 months for all of that. But I finally divorced him after he broke my back and moved in with my mother. So, since then, I've had even worse PTSD than I had before I married him, and 90% of my dreams are nightmares of him trying to kill me, random people trying to kill me, me running away from people trying to kill me, being tortured in random places, people I love dying, reliving my brothers death, reliving everything my ex-husband did, reliving bad things that happened in my childhood, dreams about my mother saying she hates me or ones where she doesn't remember me. I wake up in a panic often, or crying. So I'm always happy when I have weird dreams about the random things I'm watching. The only thing that really helps with the nightmares is marijuana, because I don't remember the dreams I have when I smoke. I have a medical card, but can't always afford it. But when I can it's a relief because I don't have the nightmares. Or maybe I do, but I don't remember any dreams when I wake up. I'm sure that'd bother some people if they have good dreams, but since 9 out of 10 times my dreams are horrifying, I'm always happy when I can get it. Also I had a dream once that I died. I was shot in the head, died, and then ended up behind what was like a pane of glass, but it wasn't glass, it was some sort of barrier. I could see my body and everything that was happening, but I couldn't interact with anything. It was really strange and it was the only time I actually died in a dream. So there's my TMI dream information. I'm awake at 2 am right now because of a bad dream actually, but I'm glad to see these uploads! Made waking up a little better 💕 And if you keep getting notifications of this post, my bad, it really doesn't wanna stick because it's a long one, so I keep trying to post it, lol.

Lady Beyond The Wall

And yeah - I agree with others that I usually skip this one on rewatches, but watching it again with you I remembered how good it actually is. This sort of story has been done in like, every Star Trek series, so I always just remember how similar this kind of plot is, but this one is definitely done differently. And I actually forgot about Cameron's backstory here, with his father and with what happened in the military with him accidentally killing the refugees. I got a little emotional watching all of that again. As for what really happened, I always kind of accepted that it was the ex-husband at the end and obviously when I first watched it I was suspicious of the Emissary at first and didn't even think of the other guy that "did it". But thinking about what you said at the end of the episode, I'm actually kind of questioning it again lol. I mean, making the ex-husband think he didn't do anything so he could continue on the project is really messed up, but who knows, maybe he was pulling more strings there the whole time than was shown. 🤷🏻‍♀️

James Yancy

I agree the story didn't really move the overall plot along per se, but it does add yet another tool to the SG tool kit. As said in the episode, when used properly, the technology could greatly enhance a societies' capabilities, artificially speeding up their advancement. It might not be an explicitly stated consequence in SG, but it IS canon and would at least provide an underlying explanation for continued rapid technological development on Earth.

James Yancy

Sometimes in my dreams I can fly, but often it isn't without effort and requiring a sustained act of will to do so. The amount of effort often seems random, and is rather inconsistent. Sometimes I can fly with almost no effort at all, while other times I can barely fly despite trying very hard. Usually it falls somewhere in between. Kind of an odd dream ability I guess.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Yeah exactly. Besides there have been plenty of episodes so far that introduce new tech possibilities without being directly important to the overall story. Granted they don't usually happen while such a pressing threat is present, but still. Actually this is in many ways similar to the tech we saw in Learning Curve, minus the moral dilemma(though I suppose there was a whole new one introduced here).

Timothy Nikiforovs

Fuck that is terrifying. Experiences like that are why I feel like everyone should have a zero tolerance policy for violence(intentional at least, not accidental stuff like throwing open a door not realizing someone is on the other side) in a relationship. Maybe, MAYBE 1 warning, IF it hadn't been discussed before or if say kids are involved. I really don't believe in "working it out" in the event of violence. If someone is willing to do that, it's unlikely to ever get better. I feel like it's something that should be agreed on at the start of a relationship. You throw hands and you're done. If everyone stuck to that rule 100%, then abusive people would either end up alone or with each other. Just another extension of my general "never enable bad behaviour" rule. For my part, I can rarely recall any of my dreams, even when I just wake up. I don't think I often get deep REM sleep like I should. Sometimes I have great dreams, most of the time they're just confusing, and sometimes they're nightmares. In the latter case, I mostly just get pissed off, because they're one more thing keeping me from sleeping. Sometimes though when I go back to sleep, it's like I have the same dream, either picking up where I left off or starting over, but with things changed in my favor. I think it's carrying over from a trick I used when I was a kid and still afraid of the dark. I knew there was nothing there, but like kids tend to do I'd let my imagination get the better of me, monsters jumping out at me and such. Eventually I started fighting fire with fire, imagining I were a jedi with a lightsaber, or had a personal shield or super powers. That way the 2 halves of my imagination cancelled each other out, and I could actually go get that lasagne out of the basement freezer without freaking myself out. I think when I wake up from a nightmare and realize it's a dream, and one I'm pissed off at, I go back to sleep already rewriting the script. At any rate, I hope your dreams get better. Also, DS9 is the best Trek. And about your cat, Jadzia or Ezri?

Timothy Nikiforovs

I'm actually kinda bummed that so many people dislike this episode, as it's actually a standout to me. Now granted the while implanted memory trope is a fairly tires scifi story, and in particular this reminds me of a Star Trek Voyager episode by the name of Ex Post Facto. Still, where I think the episode shines is as a vehicle to explore Mitchell's character. This was actually supposed to be a Teal'c episode, but given Teal'c is already a well and truly fleshed out character, Mitchell needed it more. This was his "Cor'ai" you could say. The scene where he bombs the convoy is always hard to watch(though at the same time I really do love F-16s so getting some great shots of the Falcon is always a treat. Which reminds me, I gotta go see the new Top Gun. Haven't seen a movie on the big screen in 3 years), and Ben does such a great job playing the guilt Cameron felt. Unfortunately that's often the reality of civilian casualties in war. It's easy to pick apart a situation after the fact, but then in the moment, with bullets flying, one bad bit of intel can have tragic results. I don't think I ever really questioned whether the husband did it or not. I obviously suspected the emissary given how so many little scenes point to him, like the way he's getting a little outside of professional bounds in the first memory Mitchell relives, and that look he gives as Reya leaves the party. Still, I always recognized that by the end as an intentional misdirect by the writers. Between his disagreements with Reya over militarizing the project, his anxiety over a trade deal with Earth, and subsequently his desire to cover up Marell's involvement so they wouldn't lose momentum on the project, it's easy enough to make sense of all those little clues. Like Cameron said back in Avalon, "politics really does suck everywhere you go". A couple of interesting facts about this episode. Ian Robinson, who plays Mitchell's dad, is actually 3 years younger than Ben Browder, which is just a credit to how well the man aged. Second, the little girl playing frisbee in the background during the last scene is Tatiana Shanks, daughter of Michael Shanks and Vaitiare Bandera. Bandera was pregnant with her while filming the episode Secrets way back when.

Lady Beyond The Wall

I really hope I didn't make anyone uncomfortable with my comment. After I posted it, I actually felt a bit anxious about having shared it and considered just deleting it. But when you replied, I felt a little better about sharing it. Anyway - the whole situation was terrifying, but also very strange. I've ALWAYS been a person who could never understand how situations like what I went through actually ever happened. I could never understand why anyone would stay even one day with someone who hit them purposely. And I was like that because my mother went through the same thing with my biological father. She stayed with him far too long and my brother and I were abused along with her as a result. He actually even kidnapped us once for about a week. So just that made me very aware of that sort of thing. But what I didn't quite grasp when I married my ex-husband were literal psychopaths and/or sociopaths. He and I dated for 3 YEARS before we got married. There was never any abuse and everything was absolutely perfect. It was the best relationship I'd ever had, and before him, I always had trouble staying in any long term relationships due to my own problems like PTSD from childhood things, anxiety disorders which make me want a LOT of alone time that turns out a lot of people don't really like in a partner, lol. And just general trust issues in regards to opening up myself to other peoples emotions and love. There were quite literally no warning signs there. Then maybe a month after our wedding, he turned into an actual monster. Nowhere near the person that I had known for 3 years. It threw me for a loop. I was already deeply in love with him. And I'm a really empathetic person, so for a few months, his ability to cry on what I can only assume was on command whenever he wanted to and his "I'll never do that again" and "Please help me's" actually worked somehow. Like I legitimately thought something was wrong with him that could be fixed, because he changed so quickly. After a few months of that, it started to turn into a "I'll kill myself if you leave me" situation. Which is hard to hear from someone you love, obviously. But before I went through it, I didn't realize HOW hard it is to hear. A few months after that, it started to turn into "I'll kill you and your mother" situation. Which scared the hell out of me and actually paralyzed me mentally for a few months, until he eventually broke my back. I had to literally drag myself to the bathroom because I couldn't stand, while he kept my cellphone from me, told me I was "faking it" and wouldn't let me leave our apartment or call my mom. After a week of that, he left to go see a friend and that's when I called the cops because the idiot left his phone behind but took mine. They took me to the hospital and that was the last time I saw him. They didn't even make me see him when he had to go to court, thankfully. Our entire marriage only lasted 1 year. And thankfully, there were no children involved, so it made everything a lot easier. But it's so weird how you can see these things happen to other people and believe 100% you'd never let it happen to yourself, until you end up married to a literal crazy person who can mask themselves for 3 entire years. It was the craziest and scariest year of my life and I am so damn thankful I never had kids with him. I suppose I "know" what to look out for, so that hopefully that never happens again. But honestly, I haven't had a relationship with anyone since then. I just wasn't even able to think of it. I just turned 38 this year. And I know I'm not "too old" to have another relationship or even get married again, but I have no idea how after knowing someone for 3 years only for them to flip a switch and turn into an entirely different person I'll be able to even trust someone like that again. The last thing I want is for him to have ruined something wonderful like a good relationship and love for me for the rest of my life, but.. I dunno, the older I get, the harder it'll be to find someone I suppose. And it'll always take me a long time to trust someone now. The whole thing is frustrating, sad, terrifying, etc. I'm just glad that unlike some unfortunate people, it only took me a year. Some people take years or even decades to get out of that situation. That's the only thing I can kind of hold on to sometimes. That at least I had the strength to get out more quickly than some. It used to make me feel like a weak person for even being in that situation at all, or not immediately leaving, and it still does sometimes, but most of the time I feel stronger for not taking as long as a lot of others. Talking about it really helps too though. So thank you for listening. DS9 IS the best Trek, I agree! And 100% Jadzia, of course! I've always had a huge crush on her, and if she were real, I'd try and fight Worf for her. 😂 And lose, but still. Not that Ezri wasn't okay. She just.. wasn't Jadzia. 😍 Her namesake (well, the Dax part), my cat, is a real jerk sometimes though!

Timothy Nikiforovs

Sounds like an expert gaslighter. I get how if you're that deep into the relationship and there's no prior sign they'd turn violent that it can take you by surprise. You hope if they do go that route that it happens within a few months/a year of starting the relationship so you can make a clean break. That "crying on command" bit actually took me back to my own childhood. It took me until I was an adult to realize she was a major gaslighter. Always constantly manipulating everyone around her. Every thanksgiving she'd say a prayer with dinner, and break out the waterworks every time, with a little extra if we had guests over. It was like watching an actor perform in the same play over and over. Same damn performance every time. Practically ruined every major holiday because while she's putting up a pleasant façade for anyone we had over, behind the scenes she's constantly angry and ordering us around demanding everything be perfect(same thing when we'd visit relatives). And if it was just us, she wouldn't even bother with the act, she'd just be condescending and demeaning the instant she wasn't getting her way. I couldn't move out fast enough when I had a decent job. Fortunately there wasn't any real physical abuse, beyond the regular spankings and such every kid of boomer parents had to deal with, though one time he did slam my head into a door frame(over a stupid thing too, my brother and I were sword fighting with a couple bamboo sticks and one went into a pumpkin pie he made. Still perfectly edible). Still, that messed me up far less than the stuff my mother did. I really do hope you find some peace and manage to move on. I certainly understand why it would be hard to trust after that, but I also hate the idea of letting abusers "win". The best revenge after all is a life well lived, so don't give up on finding some happiness. As for Dax, I was a huge Jadzia fan growing up, but in recent years I've leaned more to Ezri. Aside from the fact Nicole DeBoer is insanely cute, they squeezed an incredibly amount of development into 1 season. She was such a mess at the start of the season, just a complete nervous wreck who could barely even do her job and help with Garak's anxiety because her own was getting in the way, then by the end of the season she's launching solo rescue missions and escaping dominion prisons and hunting down serial killers. One thing that I learned later that put me off Jadzia a bit was that Ronald D Moore always imagined she would have cheated on Worf with the fire dancer from the Sutherland if Sirella hadn't broken up the party. Obviously one can head canon that away or say it's up to interpretation, but Moore did write the episode, and I generally tend to accept what the creators and writers of a movie/show say about it as gospel, since the show is essentially their imaginations put to screen. She's still a really cool character and a badass, but that rubbed me the wrong way, especially since Worf is such an insanely loyal character. It's funny though, cats never seem to end up anything like their namesakes personality wise. I had a cat for 4 years that I named Logan(after Wolverine). He was feral when I found him, and being a kitten had super sharp claws(I'm sure both factors influenced my decision at the time), but after 9 months to a year he was the most docile and shy cat you ever met. Total cuddle bug. He'd be waiting every day when I came home by the garage door, and 10-15 minutes after I went to bed he'd pick a spot to curl up with me. He only hissed at me maybe 3 times in the time I had him, and 2 of those were followed by a trip to the vet because something was hurting when I tried to pick him up. Needless to say, he shared none of the personality traits with the badass mutant with metal claws. Oh, and if you're looking for a laugh, I don't know if you've seen these or not, but go on youtube and search "sad cat diary". It's hilarious, and perfectly captures how insanely dramatic cats are. There's also a dog version by the same guy.

Lady Beyond The Wall

Thanks for the kind words. And I'm really sorry you had to deal with gaslighting like that. It can really mess with you mentally. It's one of the most horrible things someone can do to a person. And that's funny about you thinking Nicole DeBoer was insanely cute. I was never really attracted to her the same way I was Terry Farrell. Looks like we have different taste in women! 😂 Though I did really love her character development, especially with Garak, considering my own anxiety, I could really relate to both characters. And that's really surprising to hear about Moore imagining Jadzia would've possibly cheated on Worf. I mean, I'm glad that didn't actually happen of course, but thinking about it.. Jadzia was definitely a bit more wild than Ezri and I can envision that possibly happening. Jadzia seemed closer to Curzon sometimes personality-wise than Ezri, maybe because Ezri was little further removed from him. And I'm always looking for a laugh, especially with cats, lol. I don't think I've seen that video at all, so I'll give it a watch. Have you seen that Jurassic Park but with a Cat video by OwlKitty? It's got so many views, you probably have, but just in case you haven't, I felt like I should mention it. That one was hilarious and I started calling Dax "owl cat" after I saw that, because he makes the same exact owl-like noise as that cat all the damn time, except REALLY loud. He knows how to make me melt even when I'm mad at him 😻

Johanna Nel

I like these type of episodes that has nothing to do with the current big threat. It shows that even the top team has to help ticking off the thousands of addresses the discovered in the Ancient repository on the planet they found Ernst on. Just another planet with another civilization that might have something we can use. We also get to know the new guy and see why he is a good replacement for Jack and a perfect fit for SG1. He is willing to go the distance to stand for what is right.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Yeah I may have seen it, OwlKitty videos pop up in the recommended list often enough. I actually just today came across this video with pictures of cats vs dogs after getting stung by a bee. The dogs just look miserable and ridiculous with their faces all puffed up, while the cats all have just this swollen lower jaw that makes them look like bosses with this Giga Chad esque jawline. Pretty funny.