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Hey everyone! I've been meaning to get this video up for a little while now. Go over a few things with how things have been for myself, the uploads in general, and improving/moving forward.

LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlRkxAyAwgg

I hope you have a great rest of your day 😄 



You've done a lot to keep the rest of us going through tough times. Take care of yourself too. And don't feel pressured to be too open, either. It's good to have some transparency about what's going on, but at the same time you have a right to personal boundaries too. A lot of streamers and youtubers get burned out by social demands over the internet.

Demijan Omeragic

I do appreciate you opening up, talking publicly about private issues. That really takes courage. I am also, whatever anyone else may think, truly sorry for whatever it is specifically that you are going through, and I hope you get whatever help it is that you need. Furthermore I also appreciate it that you understand the minority's perspective as well, like myself, the ones who get irritated when there are long delays without any communication / heads-up whatsoever. To make things clear, I've learned to live with the fact that you are unable to keep a schedule, or, like other content creators, record things a week or two in advance so that you are able to release the episodes in time without any rush. You are unable to do so, most likely because of your private issues. I couldn't get it at first, but I've learned to understand and accept it. However, what I cannot figure out at all, no matter how hard I try, is why it is impossible for you to write just one or two very simple lines of text which takes 15-30 seconds to send out to your patrons, telling them not to expect this or that video in the next few days. It is the lack of communication to such a huge and well paying audience that is genuinely mind-blowing to me. It's what I fail (no pun intended) to understand. I could cite tons of examples where there was either zero communication or false information, which all could've been remedied by simply sending out one line of text. As you (and others) can see, this comment of mine, despite really appreciating this video and feeling sorry for your struggles, cannot be all positive. I'd be a liar if I said otherwise. Because I do get irritated and I do feel "duped" really many times. You have plenty of supporters who wouldn't leave you even if you wouldn't upload a video in six months or a year, but I can't lie and say I'm one of them. The amount of supporters you have is gigantic, so unless you are in enormous amounts of debt (which I hope you aren't), you should be doing extraordinary well financially, especially in today's times. So no hard feelings and nothing personal if I cancel my subscription and return at some point to binge watch some of your reactions. Even if half of your supporters were to leave, you'd still be doing better financially than many other content creators of this particular type. And that's a great thing for you, because I seriously have not seen a single content creator with no schedule, zero consistency, and absolutely minimal communication, to have such a huge fan base. Be grateful for that. I believe that you are. Finally, even though I work in health care, I am NOT a doctor so I cannot and will not provide any medical advice, but I will only say that it could be very beneficial to seek a second opinion, meaning more than one doctor, if you feel that whatever someone is doing with you in terms of treatment isn't helping you much. In other words, I would always seek more than one doctor's opinion when it comes to health issues, regardless if the issues are physical or psychological. Always a second (or even third) opinion, no matter what. Doctor's are not omniscient beings, and when it comes to psychological issues, treatment A might work well for person B but not for certain C. You get my point. Sorry for my criticisms, but I'm just being completely honest. Best of luck to you, in all sincerity! PS: I will not respond to any this channel's "yes-men" who might decide to attack me for this post. I've done so in the past on Discord, and it was a mistake that will not happen again.