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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 6 FINALE Episode 21 "Two to Go" and Episode 22 "Grave" REACTION!

EPISODE 21: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/5794t8vrwgqcjgrx240t1/BFYS621UE.mp4?rlkey=ax0oh9qxokd6bga1faxx3wxzv&dl=0

EPISODE 21: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tWDcP6FhwB-p2zMgJS8d_b8MxE2CAxNR/view?usp=sharing

EPISODE 22: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3ogve9in4fysuk6xcvkdi/BFYS622UE.mp4?rlkey=tper0ozzxwc4179mhuaxllfos&dl=0

EPISODE 22: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VVjYdqCUu-CUURwD7HDnE3ZVX5VRPNbi/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-jWEiuQ4qjc


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Briony Addey

Who is the Big Bad of Season 6? Of course Joss Whedon wants to make out it's 'life'. He has a vested interest (unfortunately) in trying to gaslight women into thinking that when some misogynistic twatty men are terrorizing you that's just life, and if you can't cope it's because you're depressed, it must be you, because look, these men are pathetic geeks, how could they fuck with such a powerful woman otherwise? Or the Big Bad is Willow, because she responds in kind to what's been done to her. How about the Big Bad is Warren? Because you don't have to be big or powerful to find and use a gun? Because even a pathetic men can make women's lives miserable? (Even when those women are powerful and strong like Buffy) Or, how about the Big Bad is Spike? Because men can claim they're in love with a women, and still try to undermine and destroy them, if it suits their agenda.

Timothy Nikiforovs

If nothing else this finale did bring a measure of healing after a very rough season. Obviously Tara is still gone, but at least Giles is seemingly back, at least given his saying that he should never have left it sounds like he's planning on being around more. Buffy has finally accepted being back from the dead. Xander and Anya seem to have found a measure of forgiveness for each other. And of course Xander managed to pull Willow back from the precipice. Early in S6, it's easy to suspect they're setting up a magic crazed Willow as the big bad, but then she goes through the whole rehab storyline and Warren goes further over to the dark side and you assume it's him instead, only for Tara's death to bring out Dark Willow. I really do appreciate that for once Xander was the key player in stopping the apocalypse. Sure he's been pivotal in a few episodes, but nothing quite this big. When the show started there was a sharp contrast between super powered Buffy and the rest of the gang(Giles, Xander, Willow, Cordelia) being more or less ordinary people unequipped to deal with demons and vampires. Obviously Willow got into the magic in a big way, as well as Tara, Oz turned out to be a werewolf(though I suppose that wasn't actually very useful), Cordelia got the visions and later demon powers on Angel, and Giles also gained some proficiency in magic. Xander OTOH just stayed more or less the same guy he was in S1, even being left behind while all his friends went off to college. Sure he became more mature, got a good job, and was lined up to be married, so he actually seemed to have his life together more than the rest of them despite missing university and not getting any real buff, but then all that went to shit too. Still, he always has his friends backs, even when he's hopelessly out of his league and they're as far gone as Willow was, he still won't abandon them. You have to respect that. That scene where Giles returns has got to be one of the most badass moments of the show, especially since you're not expecting him to have magic on that level. It was rather short lived in the next episode, but it didn't really detract from Giles being back. I do love the scene where he just starts laughing uncontrollably after Buffy just lays out what's happened. It's almost like "I might be able to help Willow, but I think you're a lost cause"🤣. It's also good to see Buffy actually stop infantilizing Dawn and actually bringing her into her life as a slayer. It's understandable that she worries, but at a certain point it's just inevitable she's going to get involved. The longer Buffy played helicopter parent, the more Dawn was going to resent it. And finally there's Spike. The guy has been a sleaze ball the whole show, but damn did he take a dark turn trying to rape Buffy. As others have said, he knew he was fighting to get his soul back, they just played it off as him getting his chip disabled/removed. I get why they chose to go the route they did with him, and as Xander rightly points out, Buffy and Dawn seem to forget he never turned good, he just got neutered. When he found out the chip didn't protect Buffy, he showed his true soulless colors. All that said though, I don't particularly like how they decided to go about catalyzing this change in his character, even if it's effective. Still, Spike with a soul is going to be a very interesting development in S7.