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What it dooski! Here's my  UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Farscape Season 4 Episode 6 "Natural Election" and Episode 7 "John Quixote" REACTION!

EPISODE 6: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/sxl9aqhx6bw5pigfj9v83/FSS46UE.mp4?rlkey=zh1vu8poixtpkq1ecknwl5nu1&dl=0

EPISODE 6: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rjMpPtvRtoFZ6I9Qdhl2QSCegLv_QORQ/view?usp=sharing

EPISODE 7: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bh8x44au8h03jejub9upb/FSS47UE.mp4?rlkey=ceobd4prmhqdiktsu1n0ym2pd&dl=0

EPISODE 7: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18yCpgyxwmqrF8ecMp5NAgQ8ay2kNtYe9/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-UPP22Un95G


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Double Bubble?

Brent Justice

While I'm waiting on Ep 7, I'll comment on Ep 6. Thank you for the reaction. The way I take this episode is that it was kind of a closed, small episode, to show our team working together again. A transition if you will, back to the norm. That's what it feels like to me, is everything coming back to the norm finally. Nothing huge from it, but yeah, just a nice little episode to bring us back to what we are used to, the dynamic we are used to etc....

Brent Justice

How long does "Coming Soon" usually mean? This post was now posted exactly a full 4 days ago, but still no Episode 7. I would assume 'coming soon' might mean the next day or something, but not 4+ days, at that point might as well just make it the next weeks post.

Brent Justice

5 days since posting, still waiting on Episode 7 "Coming Soon" :( I think Coming Soon doesn't mean what you think it means lol.

Stef Furness

I think you've been here long enough to know exactly how subjective "soon" is. You just enjoy hearing yourself bitch about things outside your control. Holy Hannah, learn to cope like an adult.

Brent Justice

Or hold a man to his word? I can only go off of what he says, and I was looking forward to watching Episode 7. He said Coming Soon, but apparently, he didn't actually mean that, so yes, I'm going to call him out on that. I'm the one paying him my money. If I was getting these videos for free, I'd have no room to complain, but I am paying money, and thus I have invested my money in him, so I have every right to call him out about it. That's how things work. I pay for a service, if the service isn't rendered, I don't pay. But I just genuinienly want to know when Episode 7 will be published. I think this is a reasonable and logical thing to ask considering he made this post now 6 days ago, and said "Coming Soon" on Ep 7. Perfectly reasonable to ask and to want it published now, 6 days after posting it. If he intended for it to come out a week later, he should have just saved it for the next posting this week. /shrug I'm really not lout of line here.

Stef Furness

The thing is, you've been making the same "not out of line" complaint for over a year now. At what point do you recognize the role you play in begging for release times within a nebulous schedule is setting yourself up for disappointment? You just ended your last responses with a "shrug" and "I don't pay." Please, just pick one of those honestly. No one's twisting your arm to be here - again, you're just using your payment as an excuse to bitch about something that is out of your control. Save yourself some hot air, learn to accept that life rarely works out the way you want it, and it will still continue just fine.

Brent Justice

I recognize that I have the right to ask the questions, as long as I'm paying. I think you need to understand that I have no ill will, and by me asking, it also helps other people to stay informed, or perhaps remind Fail of something we are waiting on, or he has said he will do. I think you also need to understand that I appreciate what he provides to us and that I like his reactions and watching his videos. I thank him for his reactions each and every time. I wouldn't be paying the man my money if I didn't like the content. I'm choosing to do that, but I'm also perhaps nudging him a little bit to stay on a consistent schedule. I don't think that's a bad thing to hope for.

Stef Furness

"...perhaps nudging..." translates to "nag" which is a willing to be obnoxious in an unproductive manner. It's not helpful even if you hope it so, it's just tiresome.

Stef Furness

I appreciate that you mean well, but it's not an opinion to point out the fool's errand you are engaging - repeatedly pushing the same buttons and expecting different results. It is obvious that these are the buttons you think would motivate you under whatever similar conditions you believe are applicable, but people are not all the same, and you are not Faily.


Episode 6 was interesting in that while it was mostly a filler with the whole Moya thing, it allowed the characters to get established after being apart for so long. They had to work together as a team. I liked Dargo’s leadership role and his loyalty to John. We also set in to motion what now appears to be Aeryn’s pregnancy arc. Season 7 while was goofy and full of fluff, we see John’s fears emerge (although he’s still a badass). He worries about two things: Scorpius on Moya and Aeryn. So, Noranti is going to help him with his issue with Aeryn. Ok, well, seems she has not been helpful thus far,so we will see how well this works. Shout out to all the throw backs and former cast in this episode. I will admit I did have to watch it again to catch everything going on but it’s a fun episode and it helps build the baseline for this season.

Brent Justice

Thank you for the reaction to Episode 7. This is an episode that only Farscape can do, it's that whacky style of theirs, totally out of left field. Somehow they do it so well. I liked the integration with the game though that it actually became a real plot point to try and trap Scorpy, that's a unique use of it and makes the game a little more meaningful. Otherwise, it does tell us a lot about John's worries about Aeryn. It also make sense that Zhan would be Stark's princess, so that was a nice touch. On to more whackiness!


Is she doing a Mike Tyson. I'm on the floor, I do declare... 🤣