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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate Atlantis Season 2 Episode 4 "Duet" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8oq56l5tps610okt4rbxc/SAS24UE.mp4?rlkey=uv8prc13vrqyxl57qkimgq749&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lmG5_xj3JrX5H3eAM1CyY1vz6YvIDYbj/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-vB9hQ5Lg6L


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Katie is so cute! And I really like Becket and Cadman too. It's nice to see people doing some normal things like dating on Atlantis as another way to set it apart from the SGC.

Scarlett Monrow

One of my favorites! You just want to hug Rodney!

Johanna Nel

One of my favorite lighthearted episodes. Great to see the friendship between Carson and Rodney. Carson is the sweetest and kindest. His first instinct is to help the Wraith. I think that is wired into his brain where Shepard is hardwired to eliminate the threat first. This cast plays off each other very well.


I love to see Sheppard simping over Ronan. Ronan has also, in two episodes, shown more personality than Ford ever has. I think Hewlett did a really good job of portraying Cadman in this one. Often, when male actors try to emulate a female character, they go too feminine; they tend to forget we're just people, too. You can tell in this one that the actor most likely ran through the scene first with Hewlett observing and then giving his performance. Hewlett did a great job. Great to see another 'Alien' on the team also, someone who Teyla can bounce off of. Also, they do bring in Ronan very full on in this episode, but we have to consider that, like Teal'c, he's a military man with who knows how many years experience, and that he's also been in the run and successfully evading the Wraith for, again, who knows how long. He's a beast.


Such a fun episode! Weird pet peeve of mine, but it's so dumb how they've never let Rachell rock her natural hair, but they did allow Jason to wear a wig 😂

Timothy Nikiforovs

Duet is a great episode, much more memorable than The Ties That Bind. Hewlett does a great job with the dual personality acting as well. Also good to see Ronon getting used to living in Atlantis. Something I never noticed before though, Rodney has a MASSIVE Tim Horton's mug next to his bed. Also one of his pictures is of the Canadarm signed "thanks for the help with the arm" by a Gen. Davidson, so I guess he worked on it, directly or indirectly, at some point in universe. Have to say though, Cadman's conduct is pretty out of line in this episode, and Heitmeyer honestly just made the situation worse. I suppose it's kind of sweet that she's trying to help him out with his date, but randomly hijacking his body or exercising in a way he's not used to is crossing some boundaries. It would be a little different if they'd straight up swapped consciousnesses, but that's not what happened. Also it's counterproductive. If she wants her own body back then McKay is the best qualified person to make it happen. It makes no sense she'd be bothering him to explain to her every step of the scientific process that's completely outside her wheelhouse. Before the detrimental effects or the fact she could take over were known, I may well have threatened to just leave her stuck in there if she wanted to keep being annoying rather than let me work. At least ultimately she was willing to sacrifice herself when it was clear one of them had to go, and McKay was willing to risk getting microwaved to save her, so despite everything they did develop a mutual respect at least. Also nice to see Rodney's love life isn't completely stagnant. Katie seems sweet. That dinner scene is so damn awkward though, especially with Carson there as a random 3rd wheel. Speaking of Carson, the look on his face after Cadman hijacked McKay to kiss him.🤣 So Ronon is going to be part of Sheppard's team. That'll be interesting. I just love how at the end there, Sheppard is like a little boy asking his mom if he can keep the stray dog he found. Sheppard's character covers a pretty broad personality spectrum. On the one hand you have scenes like that, and on the other you have "I'm not screwing around Bob!!(BLAM BLAM BLAM)". Good episode. These body swap/multiple consciousness episodes are always great, and pretty much every sci fi show will d at least 1.


Really loved the interactions between Catman and McKay. So much fun!

Brent Justice

This episode is great, we get to see the acting chops of David here, and it really shows his range. Plus the humor between Cadman and McKay is great. So A+ episode. BTW, the darts have always operated like storage, they beam the people up to the darts to store them, then when they get back to the hive ships they re-energize them. You seemed a little confused at the beginning on how the darts work, but that's what they do. They do not beam the people to another place, just store them in the darts as an energy pattern.

Karl Miller

IF we find her, Damn You're cold man so cold.

Brent Justice

Which is weird to say, because we know she's in the dart, it isn't like we are looking for her, she's not lost, we know right where she is. They just needed to figure out how to re-energize her.

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I hate this episode so much. I think I must be the only person who finds Cadman obnoxious.