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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 6 Episode 11 "Gone" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/q05c13n18wmt2qu3qm947/BFYS611UE.mp4?rlkey=giskxvjtdi99flldsbku9i7sd&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IpJ3IQKai9K76eMQW4dnJt4yt3UFrthD/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-DM7VgwO7hp


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Nice to see someone react so positively to this episode, not that others haven't, but it's nice to see you delve into the finer points. Great to see Willow getting back to her old self (nerdy Willow), and I like that they gave her an episode where she got to go old school with her investigative skills. And your right with both Xander and Willow learning how to navigate around this new issue in their lives. Good to see more of the trio; for all their daftness, I like their inclusion in this series. Also, it's good to learn more about the dynamic between the three. As for the voice-over, others have mentioned why it happened the way it did, but I agree that at the beginning of the episode, it is quite distracting.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Ahhh, that gag with the smoke bomb at the end was giving me uncomfortable flashbacks to Assassin's Creed games. Always embarrassing when the smoke clears and you've only halfway gotten away. It's good to see both Willow and Buffy confronting their demons(I mean, the emotional ones. Though in Buffy's case a physical one as well). Willow finally seems to be getting her head on straight, and she was doing a great job fighting the urge to use magic. While Xander's concern is entirely understandable, his lack of tact almost sent her into a relapse. It was great to see her getting back to doing things the "hard way", and using her brain instead of her magic to figure things out. Buffy OTOH was taking a rather unhealthy approach to the situation. She's given herself an excuse to sleep with Spike, that being she's invisible and not "really there". It's kinda like having a huge cheat day on a diet and telling yourself it's fine because that whole tub of ice cream you ate was low fat. Also every time she gets a new superpower, she treats it like a new toy and loses any sense of responsibility, before finding out it'll kill her. But yeah, what she has going with Spike isn't healthy. Either she really is repulsed by him and she's sleeping with him to punish herself, or she is attracted to him and treats him like shit because she's too embarrassed to admit it. Either way there's a issue there for her to work out.