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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Farscape Season 3 Episode 17 "The Choice" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/q6u4r4zi4wr6v3jotvieb/FSS317UE.mp4?rlkey=gf2auq8y0zv4nulxi5e4atrn8&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Izf8HIVZGC_b8d1PQy7iTs42iIbJpX5D/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-rRGUdMm4tF


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Timothy Nikiforovs

yeah, this was a weird one. Some loose strings wrapped up here. I guess Aeryn's last links to her previous life are all severed. I understand the need to show Aeryn grieving for John 2.0, I just feel this was a really odd way to go about it, and I'm ready to have the 2 crews reunited now. I don't know how Aeryn is going to feel about Crais going forward, but under the circumstances I don't think it would be fair to blame him for pulling the trigger. He saw Xalax(sp) pointing a gun at Aeryn and made a split second decision. Also she believed he'd killed her before this. I suppose it helped that her mother accepted her death, but the fact the Crais lied about killing her in the first place complicates it, but even then his reasons made sense. yeah, I didn't love this one either.

Brent Justice

So I did remember this one on first watch, but I didn't remember it exactly, after re-watching it now I do see the point of it, it needed to happen, she needed an episode where she has to deal with the death, so kudos for that. I get her depression, I feel it, perfect setting for it. I did like also how she wasn' t duped by that thing being her father. At first I thought maybe she was falling for it, but they got us, she knew it all along, which I like, cause she's smarter than that. I also get that they needed an episode to end her moms storyline. So mixing the two together was fine for me. The only issue I have with the episode is that it felt a little slow at times, maybe a pacing thing, but that's it really. I think this needed to happen, and now those storylines are closed, and we move on to them meeting up with Moya.

brad hawkes

Hoping for an SG Christmas present 😂🤞


You really gotta stop saying your intended recording schedule in videos. seems about 80% of the time it doesnt happen. Either due to stuff happening IRL to make it so you dont have time to record or just not being able to get motivated to do so. Not saying it to be a jerk just that you set expectations that then get people annoyed when it doesn't come to pass. 1 of the things my dad drove into my head was if you say you're going to do something then you do it. Which sadly combined with my OCD just gets me annoyed when it seems like the entire world disagrees with that point and saying you will do something is a guarantee that you will.