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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Mr. Robot Season 4 Episode 10, Episode 11, Episode 12 REACTION!

EPISODE 10: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/d6c7iy793cdmganuoib40/MRS410UE.mp4?rlkey=zyduywcyiorpxvx8b0g320fi3&dl=0

EPISODE 10: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vDej9YumuU2zuU3f1-xAEVSbPJ_Ojxfg/view?usp=sharing

EPISODE 11: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ykevt80fsunfbp7ufneq6/MRS411UE.mp4?rlkey=463f2tk5zfxsudmrr48bd4a44&dl=0

EPISODE 11: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rQLgwz_qJCVWGpeMk_paY5KzpY4QSh9Z/view?usp=sharing

EPISODE 12: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/vs9m2l201xdqg6kfslirq/MRS412UE.mp4?rlkey=rq3qijgi8yznpdczr8776srgp&dl=0

EPISODE 12: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lcGQ2pCl3ljv62gkZ2tAneXWqhe-ovaD/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-0MXG8Yg9Qi


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Martin Nicholls

Tripple bubble! Can't wait to see what you think of the end. And just in time for a Stargate spin-off almost question mark (maybe just enough time to slip a season of the expanse in?).


This tripple dripple is what I needed. Yes, episode 10 was very rom-com. Great seeing Leon and Irving again. And it was also a great way to wrap up Dom's storyline. We first saw her getting some energy drinks at a convenient store and learned later on that she suffered from insomnia. So it was good to see her finally get some much needed sleep on the plane. I love episodes 11 and 12. The scene with Whiterose and Elliot was so well done, the call back to season one with Lloyd and Ollie at Allsafe was a nice touch, and I loved them opening episode 12 with Mr. Roboto. You're right, there's a ton of easter eggs here, but you'll catch those after the finale. Sorry your brain melted, lol. But it was great watching it melt as episodes 11 and 12 unfolded. Looking forward to your next and final Mr. Robot reaction.


All I can say is that I am glad when I watched the end of the show my first time I didn't have to wait between episodes, I don't know how you had the willpower not to binge the last one with how 11 and 12 landed. I am very much looking forward to seeing your reaction to series finale.

Tandem Yeti

Ep 10: The episode despriction for this one was "We stan Domlene" and I think this was a perfect one off episode for this, before the insane finale. It was nice we got to see side chracters from previous season's such as Irving and Leon, they were some great send-offs. I really want to read Beach Towel! I'm sure it's hilarious. That final sequence was brilliant, Dom finally got some sleep. Ep 11: I adore this episode. I find everything about it is perfect. Elliot's walk to the township with the music, burger man with the music and the dead people. Followed by the 20 minutes converstaion between Elliot and Whiterose, which was wonderfully written and acted. "But that is not flaw", "Don't make me laugh". Truly one of my favourite moments from the show. The barrel game is interesting, I think there is an official website where you can actually play that online, I'm sure it has loads of Easter Eggs. Fade to red and we are in another world. I think Turn up the Radio was the perfect song choice, you have made it to the end of the series and we have no idea what is happening, in this perfect world. "Actually, can you turn it up". I was very impressed with this episode when I first saw it, on to the finale! Ep 12: It was fun seeing your theories and reaction to this episode. With Elliot exploring this alternate world, it was great seeing how it played out. I loved Price's cameo, that was perfect. This is essentially the first part of a two part finale and I'm surprised you're making us wait for the finale, but it'll be a good one! I can't wait to see what you think of how it all ends

Timothy Nikiforovs

Ok, finally got caught up. I'm actually glad Avatar is done and Mr Robot is ending. Between work, getting into investing, and other stuff to get done, there's just too much to keep up with. Feel free to leave those spots empty for a bit, or maybe use both to power through Expanse S5 real fast. When you do decide to pick up another show, I'd suggest Battlestar Galactica, Vikings, or Spartacus. Anyway, these episodes. Ep 10 was pretty sweet, and gave us a lot of closure. I mean hopefully they still have numbers to contact each other. Dom could be like "the fuck Darlene, I got on the plane and you were nowhere", and Darlene would be like "alright, geez, I only got off to look for you. Sit tight, I'll catch the next flight". Still, Dom has been through so much and she's needed to catch a break for a long stretch now. Also glad Elliot and Darlene parted on good terms given how rough their relationship has been over the show. Eps 11 and 12 were like watching mirror images of each other and I love the way they lined up(also the phone at the end said 11:16, not 1:16). Also I loved the parallel of the alternate Wellick wearing a hoodie, especially after that conversation he had with Elliot in the woods. Don't know how I feel about Elliot killing "himself". Kinda freaked me out when the other Elliot started hearing the narration. You get so used to this weird, 4th wall breaking idea of the protagonist(and occasionally Mr Robot) speaking to the audience, that when the other Elliot hears him you almost feel like "shit, can he hear us too". That would actually have been a good bit of mind fuckery if they'd played with that idea. Still when he was on the train asking what we think of it, I was just thinking we've gone further down the rabbit hole and we're somewhere deep in his head at this point. No idea how the series will end, but can't wait to see.

Stef Furness

I was thinking Beach Towel couldn't be all that engaging if it's what finally put Dom to sleep...although, maybe that's what he meant when he said it was "great for long flights."