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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 4 Episode 20 and Episode 21 REACTION!

EPISODE 20: https://www.dropbox.com/s/esfphbmwblj43uu/Buffy%20S4E20%20UNEDITED.mp4?dl=0

EPISODE 20: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ql2BTFJ1HXB_M0aVp8uBVTL3FijKYG6y/view?usp=sharing

EPISODE 21: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rpmlj457izwzamy/Buffy%20S4E21%20UNEDITED.mp4?dl=0

EPISODE 21: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Rzc-B1_dfnNJZuJbnQh4JlaEjT-JgP38/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-tPuQ91vmdX


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“How much more difficult can her threats get..”. Oh boy. 😂😂😂😂 if you thought the show was good now wait til the next few seasons.


The smartest thing about Spike's plan is that he's not saying anything that the person doesn't already think is true. He's an observant guy (they've shown this before), and he's simply playing on the insecurities he's observed. So clever. He also played it off like what he was saying was no big deal, almost defending each one as he did it. I just think it was all written and performed so well. Especially when you see how it was built-up in small ways all season long. Great payoff.


I'm so glad that Angel left and got his own show, he was becoming quite stale after his great arc in season 2 - but now he's got his own stuff going on and more personality - it actually makes it more interesting now when the 2 shows interact.


Great reactions! I actually like the cheesy ending of the power of friendship defeating the enemy :) I love that reactors always ask what the next episode will hold since the big bad has been defeated...

Brent Justice

Hah, yeah, they are like, but there's one more ep? What could it be? They wrapped up the story didn't they? hehe

Brent Justice

Yay, a double bubble, I'll be watching these tonight and will comment later.


Yeah the whole initiative storyline wraps up a bit too quickly and conveniently. But honestly, it is by far the worst season arc of them all, and by far the dumbest of the Big Bads. I am so friggin excited to see your reactions to the next episodes.

Brent Justice

I'm going to rip this straight from the WIKI, but this goes over each power they called upon to help Buffy: "Giles, Willow and Xander, by invoking the powers of the Slayer lineage ("from Last to ancient First"), merge their psyches in Buffy's body to form a fighter with Buffy's physical strength (Manus), Willow's magic power (Spiritus), Xander's bravery (Animus) and Giles's knowledge (Sophus)" So that might help understand a little better what was going on, All of these words were said in the episode so this is not a spoiler, but sometimes you miss it if not listening carefully. So hope that helps.

Timothy Nikiforovs

"what if there was the slayer slayer, for the vamps?". 2 seconds later Spike is waxing nostalgic about having killed 2 slayers. You know buddy, sometimes I question if this is your first time seeing these shows, lol. "Ah, I am no Alfred, sir. You forget, Alfred had a job". That's got to be one of my favourite Giles lines this season. Giles is in mega mid life crisis mode this season. Yeah, this season is generally considered the worst for a reason. I thought Adam was moderately entertaining(got a laugh out of the "scout's honor" line a few eps back) and intimidating throughout the season, but the wrap up is far too easy IMO. Also I just can't take that morphing minigun arm seriously. The initiative worked well early on as a mystery, and realistically the government/military would know and get involved if that level of paranormal shenanigans were going on, but by this point it just turned into "rawr, me slayer, you dumb marine, not your fight". Season started promising, but really didn't stick the landing. Also very unusual for Buffy to wrap a big bad story in a season's penultimate episode. I can't even remember offhand what the next ep is about. Also Spike with his ever shifting loyalties. Such a brownnoser. I once saw a youtube comment asking how he can be so cool and so pathetic simultaneously. Good question.

Brent Justice

While the initiative stuff is hokey, I do like the separation part about our group, it makes perfect sense for the first year of college the might drift apart and start having separate lives. So I love that at the end here that is resolved. Also this season is a real transformation and growth with Willow, so that is awesome to see. I also think this particular episode dives a little more into the slayer lore: "invoking the powers of the Slayer lineage ("from Last to ancient First"), merge their psyches in Buffy's body" and I always always love it when we get back to the slayer lore. Even if we only dabbled in it briefly.

Svetlana Grabar

I’m excited for you to see the finale!