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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Avatar The Last Airbender Season 3 Episode 14 and Episode 15 "The Boiling Rock" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vj5xmu79aiy9glr/Avatar%20S3E14%3A15%20UNEDITED.mp4?dl=0

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/lgxk9tdigxewd5daeusvo/AVS314-15UE.mp4?rlkey=vpagvatxezxrezq79zc8lro1i&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-NgeycUPapj-febYWRvcgoOORONZsmYj/view?usp=sharing



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James jackson

If this were not a children's show Sokka would have cut Azula to ribbons with the space sword.

James jackson

I love that Tai Lee flip, the look of almost confusion on her face when she realized she dropped azula on impulse was priceless.

Gio Bellisario

Always get sad cuz I know there’s only 5 eps left but it starts to get good


'I love him more than I fear you' - classic line

Timothy Nikiforovs

"your plot armor is so thick, my goodness". LOL, good one. I'd say it's pretty much a given that every episode from now till the end will be pretty high stakes. I get what you're saying about things being a tad contrived at times, but it's a half hour show and there's a LOT to cover before the wrap up. Come to think of it we barely saw Aang these eps and he basically did a speedrun of the firebending lessons last episode. Earth and water took a season to master each, but again there's a lot to cover and only 3 hours to do it. Iroh's story needs to intersect with the main group's soon. I thought the warden was pretty effective in his role, and the one thug that was helping them was pretty fun too. I wasn't terribly surprised that Mai was willing to save Zuko(also her uncle), but I didn't see Ty Lee turning on Azula. Also while it's pretty OP that she can channel Elton John like that, I feel like Azula wasn't as effective at fighting this time around. Maybe Zuko is just much more of a match for her, but her attacks felt pretty anemic compared to previous encounters. Nice synergy between Zuko and Sokka on the cable car. They've become bros so quickly. Also "that's rough, buddy", ROFL. I was starting to wonder if they had straight up killed off Suki. Glad they resolved that and got Hakoda back as well. They also have the intel on the location of the other prisoners as well. They gotta get their friends and allies gathered up for the final push. My final thought is that they should have taken Toph. She could easily have made a rock bridge across the lake. I get that the focus was supposed to be on Zuko and Sokka though.

Izzy James

Thats rough buddy

EM Jeanmougin

"That's rough buddy" is my single favorite line in the entire show. lol.

Hannah Saadallah

now we are to the Zukka ship haha sorry that my interaction with this series was heavily influenced by my old school Tumblr days. I'm really happy a new generation has discovered this show through Netflix and can enjoy it! Also, ty Lee's betrayal of Azula is one of my favorite moments!