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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 4 Episode 17 "Superstar" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/trfdhqscip6a81gk4idop/BFYS417UE.mp4?rlkey=mkjhhj1lffr3ol0w17zauaf3d&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LPE739bhd7g6MvpRphweyyphwfaLhwXB/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-gliyZkz5C7


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I love this ep. It's such a fun little detour from how serious things were in the last couple of eps.


"I have a feeling some people may hate this episode." If they exist, I've never met them! I love this episode and especially love how committed they were to the concept.


I've seen a bit of hate to this episode but i love this one so much its an all time fave

Briony Addey

"the twins moved out..." Ugh. Did Jonathan rape those poor girls? That's the thing that bugs me about this episode, it's so light-hearted, but there's this dark core to it which isn't explicitly enough addressed, in my opinion. I know Buffy does address it, by using the whole 'actors in a sock puppet theatre' but I just don't think it was clear enough or direct enough.


I haven't watched,yet, but this is one of my favorites for reactors to watch! I love this episode and people seem to love it or hate it.


"It's about time we brought out the big guns" and the shot that follows as well as "...or prawns" are my favorite lines.

Brent Justice

I love this episode, after the serious past couple of episodes, it's nice to have a fun light-hearted one.


Anyone else see a resemblance between this episode and a certain Marvel mini-series on Disney+ that aired recently? I’m thinking of the scene where Sunnydale reverts back to normal.


youre comparing time travel to alternate time lines. and trying to be vague about it when even those who havent seen it, know exactly what youre talking about....

EM Jeanmougin

This is one of my favorite zany ones. I have a theory it might have been because the "serious" elements of the episode (aka, faith having slept with Riley in buffy's body) are already so ridiculous that the "goofy" b-plot had to go way over the top to compensate. and it works surprisingly well. I think I would have liked it a little better towards the end if Johnathan had come around/come clean a little earlier (thus eliminating the slight staleness you mentioned towards the end of the 3rd act), but I think they wanted to keep the audience guessing about whether or not he'd actually gone full darkside. To his credit, he did do the right thing. Eventually. Loved your reaction to that opening scene and the opening credits. lol

Renate Venema

uhm wrong show? lol or maybe patreon is glitching?

Timothy Nikiforovs

Such an odd choice to take such a nobody character and turn him into Mr Perfect. As soon as you see the revised intro you know just how committed they are to the concept. Also the 007esque music cues were a nice touch. This ep actually reminds me of the episode where Barclay first showed up on TNG, though that was a little more interesting since we saw him have to shift from being the hero in his simulated fantasy to being a nobody engineer with confidence issues. And did anyone catch that when the world changed back there was a Dingoes Ate My Baby poster. Nice call back to Oz